How has the US government fought or contribute to racial discrimination in American society?

In your project reflection, please discuss the following: In at least 250 words, consider the research youve done and write a revised statement of your research. Specifically, in this section of your reflection, discuss the followingWhat were you curious about when you looked into this topic and why did it interest you? What did you […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using the Solo 1 data provided, use analytic methods to (1) develop a segmentation scheme, (2) profile the segments in your scheme, and (3) interpret your results in terms of marketing implications and actions. Deliverable:A maximum of seven (7) pages, all inclusive, in a pdf file.  You can do without a title page or an […]

intercultural communication

its a journal entry that I have to submit: Prompt: Read the Prejudice & Stereotyping article and discuss it in terms of the Week 8 assigned materials and Week 8 & 9.1 lectures. below I attached the readings, I’m guessing you wouldnt have to use all of those or read them all in depth those […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read sections “Dissenters in the Protestant Empire”, “Temperance and Politics”, “The Sabbath and the Saving of the Republic” (pgs. 34-42) of Morgan’s Chapter 2 in Adventism and the American Republic provided below (pgs. 34-42). Answer 1 of the 2 questions below for your critical analysis report. (do not rewrite the questions on your report)(1) From […]

Intermediate Sanctions

You should provide an overview of what intermediate sanctions are. Next, provide three examples of intermediate sanctions. Finally, discuss what types of offenders would be suitable for the intermediate sanctions you identified.Requirements:    Your written paper should be 2-3 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.    Use terms, evidence, […]

Project Closeout

Explain the project closeout process for your team’s project in a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper. Address the following: Criteria to be met for the customer to agree that the project has been successfully completed.How customer final approval will be received.The lessons learned as the project is completed – What was done well? What could have […]

Christian Teaching Regarding the Future

The student will pick a section from the readings to date from God & Soul Care: The Therapeutic Resources of The Christian Faith, and write a 1-2 page summary of the topic.  Explain how that topic is useful to Christian counseling and your personal development from this reading. (I have uploaded the text to summarize)

How do explanations for the behavior of others change as we age? Are younger adults more likely to blame internal factors for events and older adults more likely to blame external variables?

Each student submits and presents a paper (must be between 6-8 pg excluding the cover and references pages which typically include 10-20 refs) on any topic related to developmental psychology. Be original and creative while being logical and scientific. That is, your argument must be based, not on your personal beliefs and opinions, but on […]

coral reefs

This assignment was inspired by the New York Times editorial, A World Without Reefs, wherein the author argues that the worlds coral reefs are doomed and it is far too late to do anything about their demise. (See: This controversial article inspired a blog on the New York Times online opinion page (Dot Earth) […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a one page response on the topic below.“The Age of Insecurity: Can democracy save itself? by Ronald Inglehart. This article can be found in Foreign Affairs, 2018. ( What did you learn from the article about the threats to democracy around the globe and what solutions are given to avert any global disaster that […]

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