10th Justice; Takings Clause

100% plagiarism free- 1 page is Fine)   As you learned this week, the government can enact the concept of eminent domain and “take” private property so long as it is for the “public use” and the owner is justly compensated. This concept is hotly contested and often results in a clash between property owners […]

Constructive Eviction And The Implied Warranty Of Habitability

100% plagiarism free!! Steve is renting a property from Billy.  One evening Steve tripped and fell down the stairs. The issue is that one of the stairs in the common area was faulty. Billy knew about the stair, but he had never got around to fixing it.  Steve injured his leg, so he decided to […]

Security And Cloud Week

In 500 words or more, consider this statement: For cloud computing to become multi-jurisdictional, it must be separated from politics.   Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.    Reply to two classmates’ posting in a paragraph of at least five sentences by asking […]

Gender And Cognitive Abilities, And Emotion

Discussion: Gender Intelligence and Cognitive Abilities   For centuries, it has been assumed that men and women are different when it comes to certain cognitive abilities, and even intelligence itself. For example, men have been stereotyped as better at spatial abilities (such as, the abilities used in video games) and women have been stereotyped as […]

Case Study

Case Study Guidelines. Please see below for further explanation on the case report. Please feel free to work in groups on the report, but your answers must be submitted individually without plagiarism! Introduction:   Over the past century we have gone through three globalizations. The first, in the years before World War I, was based […]

Week 2 – Assignment Intentional Learning

Your primary goals for this assignment are to explain the concept of learning, what it means to be an intentional learner, and identify how you have been using your Learning Patterns in everyday situations, even when you may not have been aware of them Directions:   In a 4-paragraph essay that is two to three […]

Mark 8:29 Worksheet

1. Select one teaching of Jesus from one of the following Bible verses (underline the passage chosen): Matthew 5:21-24; Matthew 5:43-48; Matthew 6:19-24; Matthew 7:15-23; Luke 15:1-32; John 13:1-17, 34-35; John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions:   a. What was Jesus’ point in the teaching?    b. What sort of relevance does this teaching have […]

QNT/275 Apply: Connect Week 3 Case

Three hundred consumers between 21 and 49 years old were randomly selected. After sampling a new wine cooler, each was asked to rate the appeal of the phrase: “Not sweet like wine coolers, not filling like beer, and more refreshing than wine or mixed drinks” as it relates to the new wine cooler. The rating […]

Mod 6: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards

Mod 6: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards For this assignment, imagine that you are an organizational change consultant who has been asked to propose intrinsic and extrinsic reward plans to an organization (of your choice). In your proposal, you will not only formulate the plans but also analyze their worth to the organization as part of […]

PLD#1 –Personal Leadership Development Objectives

PLD#1 –Personal Leadership Development Objectives Describe your leadership experience, summarize your perceived leadership strengths and weaknesses, and outline your leadership development objectives over 2, 5, and 10 year horizons. Consider and utilize where appropriate the perspectives outlined in Stars & Steppingstones. (What kind of leader do you want to become? What knowledge, skills and experience […]

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