Research the need for communication between public and private organizations.

Research the need for communication between public and private organizations. Discuss counterterrorism. Why is communication between public and private organizations so important? Research examples of Incident Action Plans. Discuss an Incident Action Plan (IAP). What planning processes do agencies use to develop an IAP? ***250 WORDS***      

Write a 1-page summary in Microsoft® Word about the structures and security benefits.

Assignment Content In Week 1, you discussed GIG, Inc.’s benefits and concerns with moving to the cloud. In Week 2, you created a high-level diagram of a system using built-in AWS that provided reliability, availability, and continuity across the migrated environment. Last week, you chose a database and created a diagram that visualized the chosen […]

Describe how the Supreme Court ruling affected criminal justice policy.

Role of the Judiciary    Using the Oyez website ( (Links to an external site.)), review contemporary cases decided upon by the U.S. Supreme Court. Select one case and discuss how the Court’s decision influenced criminal justice policy. Initial Post: In your discussion post: Identify your selected constitutional issue. Evaluate the effect of the key arguments on […]

IOM Future Of Nursing Report And Nursing

Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” and explore the “Campaign for Action: State Action Coalition” website. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss the influence the IOM report and state-based action coalitions have had on nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing workforce development, and how they continue to advance the […]

Bureaucracy and Crime Control Policy

Larry Gaines in his article: “Homeland security: A new criminal justice mandate” (pages 67-85 in your text) talks to the bureaucracy established to address homeland security issues. Use this article as a springboard for this discussion. Bureaucracies are the offices where we take theory and put it into practice—it is where the rubber meets the […]

Influencing The Game Essay

Choose any basketball player or coach (before the year 2000) and describe how they have impacted the game of basketball. This can be through their unique playing styles, attitudes, ability or beliefs outside of the court, etc. Be creative! Remember, not every player who has made a huge impact scores the most points, or plays the most minutes….  1. […]

Cardiovascular Disease Essay

Cardiovascular Disease Essay   Use a separate paragraph for each risk factor. 1.5page- 2 page   Part One:  Risk Factors  List all the controllable risk factors for coronary heart disease (i.e. smoking)AND explain why they put you at risk for developing heart disease.    2.   List the uncontrollable risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease/Coronary         Artery Disease (i.e. age) and explain […]

Prepare a Consultancy Report

Description For the organization Amazon, create a consultancy report, perform an analysis that identifies areas of concern.Your consultancy report must include your analysis findings, identified concerns and/or weaknesses, your recommendations, and a proposed action plan.Include Introduction and Conclusion sections.Support your report with at least seven scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate […]

MKT homework

Description Develop a Communication Plan including the following:Discuss the marketing communication channels available for the domestic and international markets. Evaluate the merits and drawbacks of the channel options in relation to the target audience, your product or service, and the timing of the launch phase. Select the communication channel that is best for marketing your […]

police stops

Description below are statements that the professor asked and i have answered. you will find some information to keep you in the loop.We do have a hypothesis– If someone is presented with factual evidence contradictory to their current belief about racial bias in police stops, their original opinion will only strengthen.-This hypothesis is based in […]

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