
Early in this course, you selected a particular group of offenders who may require specialized assessment, treatment, or testing. Now, you will finalize your proposal for an appropriate forensic treatment program for this group. Begin your proposal with an overview of the selected group. This overview should include the following: Characteristics associated with the selected […]


  After viewing this weeks video, respond to the following questions: When compared to your competition, how creative is your company and what needs to be done to improve or sustain this creativity? What do you think accounts for this creativity? Do you think that creativity is something that certain people have and others dont, […]

2-1 Milestone One: Guiding Coalition Recommendations

Scenario You are a business development manager reporting to the vice president (VP) of business development at one of the largest life sciences organizations in the Midwest. Their latest venture is producing a new cancer drug. The recent clinical trials of the organizations flagship product have shown great success and the owners are considering their […]

Expand on the A2 Milk Company within the U.S. market economy only

Please write three pages on the expansion of A2 Milk Company within the U.S. market economy only. 1. Access to a large dealer network: A2 Milk Company has access to an extensive dealer network. It has established culture among its distributors and dealers in which dealers advertise the company’s products and teach salespeople how to […]

Google Slide Research (history)

you pick a miniroty group below: 1. Women 2. Native Americans 3. Latino Americans 4. Americans With Disabiltys 5. The LGBT community  Once you have chosen ONE minority group, you can then go ahead and begin your research. You will fill out the slides provided and using your own words, paraphrase the information you find […]

discussion (European Old and New Worlds)

  European Old and New Worlds Purpose and Outcomes Now that we have expanded our understanding of the terms Old and New Worlds in a Native American context, let’s examine those ideas from a European perspective. Instructions Please provide a 150-word minimum response to the following question. Your response is worth seven (7) possible points […]

Quality of Life

Discuss one or more of the emerging technologies, you believe have the potential for ethical abuse or conflicts that would affect ones quality of life. Provide examples – you might consider the digital divide, video games, screen time for children, or whatever you prefer.

Social Classes: Status Symbols

Social Classes: Status Symbols BackgroundStatus symbols are those items in society which provide meaning and significance to a specific social class. For example, a BMW is often associated with wealth. An orange jumpsuit is often associated with a prisoner. Based on these illustrations, respond to the following questions as stipulated in the instructions. Discussion Question(s)Do […]

Social Classes: Status Symbols

Social Classes: Status Symbols BackgroundStatus symbols are those items in society which provide meaning and significance to a specific social class. For example, a BMW is often associated with wealth. An orange jumpsuit is often associated with a prisoner. Based on these illustrations, respond to the following questions as stipulated in the instructions. Discussion Question(s)Do […]


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. Because this is a group project, I only need questions 2 & 3 in 4 slides  Chose a processed product (lithium-ion batteries) and create a 15-slide PowerPoint to answer the following questions: PLEASE NOTE THE PRODUCT CHOSEN IS – “lithium-ion batteries” 1. History: what is the product, […]

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