
· The Systems Developed in Smart meters · The Systems Developed in Theft detection Paper Name Summary Contribution Objectives Methodology Data collection tool Outcomes Gaps 1 A novel smart energy theft system (SETS) for IoT-based smart home. Smart home networks are vulnerable to energy theft. Certain devices have to be installed to detect the attacks. […]


ENVSCI 101 The Global Environment Spring, 2022 Exercise 530 points Pollution of the Environment DATEMarch 31, 2022 DUE DATE April 5, 2022 1.

Research about (Smart Meter)-(Theft Detection)

I have a word document (papers comparison) and I need the following changes: 1) The contribution in the first paper to be fixed (first one in table) 2) Replace the second paper in table with the uploaded pdf file:  ((a review chapter on the application of machine learning techniques for analyzing the smart meter data. […]

Finance week 2 discussion

  Analyze the major pros and cons of a single-step income statement and a multistep income statement. Identify at least two critical items of a multistep income statement that is useful to creditors. Provide a rationale for your response. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates posts.

What to say ten years after the Arab Spring?

the full presentation title of the topic “What to say ten years after the Arab Spring? Success (es)? Failure(s) and disenchantment(s)? More to come? To be continued? “ (please use power point.)slides should contain the following: 1. title slide.2. Scope.3. introduction.4. thesis statement.5. case study e.g. (Egypt, Syria).6. conclusion.7. bibliography note; please add relevant media […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We will attempt to conduct a full MUN simulation on the crisis in Ukraine. You need to prepare and be able to present on the position of your country. You can pick any UN member state you want. To help, please see these link to UN GA debate on Ukraine. See if your country gave […]


· Write an original response to the discussion question at least a paragraph in length · Post at least two replies to classmate responses for this week's message board where your response is considerably more than "I agree," or "Nice post." · Content should be substantial and related to the discussion question The story is […]

Law Discussion 2

  Discuss the following: Refer to the Chapter 8 textbook reading. Who can be found guilty of business crime and what is the key to establishing criminal liability?   Using the Internet, research and post an example of a business crime committed in the last two years and all who were held criminally liable. (See the […]

Buddhist Stories

You are to be brief but specific in your response. Make sure that you incorporate evidence from the texts to support your thinking. Be sure to cite AND include the page number whenever possible.  1.    In summary, what would you say is the purpose of Buddhist practice, and what is it that makes it relevant […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

How are the values created in each work and what is the different or similar effect? (i.e. Chiaroscuro, Cross-hatching, etc.) Describe and compare the color in each art work. What are the color harmonies? What are the optical and emotional effects of the colors and what is the similar or different effect? How are texture […]

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