Writer’s Choice

Choose a law or policy (might be a policy at college, your child’s school, or your workplace) that you think should be different – DO NOT choose a large law like abortion or the death penalty; you should choose something much more local to you. In your essay, your claim should be what you think […]

Richard II and its ties to politics

Using Microsoft Word (the standard word processor), write an essay of 750-1000 words in which you discuss how Shakespeare’s Richard II can be related to the serious political, social, and economic issues of today. Remember what I wrote on the Home page: Write the essay that only you could write. Go to the course syllabus […]

Identify the implications of competitiveness and collaboration in a global economy

I have uploaded the instructions for the assignment and the rubric. Please make sure that all the points are met on the rubric and the instructions are followed as outlined in the instructions attached. H Here are 3 resource links where you can grab information from to complete the assignment.  CIA World Factbook:  https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ Economist […]

Data Standardization

Data must go through a process of collection, measurement, analysis, and reporting before it becomes useful information. To accomplish this process, data has to be defined and classified (structured); often, data points must be established. The latter is particularly common in relation to data collected and retrieved from electronic health systems. Standards development organizations (SDOs) […]

Topic: Graffiti: Art or Vandalism?

This is my outline Thesis: Graffiti can be vandalism but it can also be art that can help a community. 1. Because it is a way to express oneself      “There are four primary motivating factors for graffiti vandalism: fame, rebellion, self-expression and power.” – Houston, Taxes Gov.“Art is about expression, creativity, freedom, asking […]

Human Performance

Defining HPIAfter completing the text readings, reviewing media content, and listening to the Judith Hale audio presentation, write a 200- to 250-word description of HPI. Include the following: 1)  Your own brief definition of Human Performance Improvement  (HPI) and the Human Performance Technology  (HPT)  Model. 2)  Descriptions of key, underlying concepts, theories, and major HPI […]

American History

The First World War would not be the first war when the United States would say it was fighting for democracy — the Civil War and Spanish-American War were both fought, in a sense, under the same pretenses — but it would be the first global conflict in which the United States took the lead […]

Chapters 10&11

PLEASE READ CHAPTERS 10&11 AND REVIEW POWER POINTS 1. PLEASE SUMMARIZE TWO CASES IN EACH CHAPTER (READ ALL CASES) 2.  CHAPTER 10: Answer Questions 4& 6 (page 206)  and Case Problem #21 (page 209) 3. CHAPTER 11: Answer Questions 7&9 (page 225) and Case Problems #12 & 15 (pages226-227)


Letter space for letter K to do ? Design a letterform of letter K that is informed by a place, space or location that you encounter in your everyday life. Make a visual and/or a conceptual connection between your given letter Think about using media that is relevant for the space or the idea you […]

Abnormal Psych

Research the case of Albert Fentress, a former Poughkeepsie middle school teacher who murdered a former student. This case, while horrific, highlights a particular issue when criminals with mental illness are “sentenced” to a psychiatric hospital for treatment of their psychiatric condition. Cumulatively, an individual found NGRI and sent to a mental institution may spend […]

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