Data Classification

Health care organizations manage large volumes of personally identifiable information (PII), also known as personal health information (PHI), which is subject to special requirements for privacy and security. Data classification is a practice that can help health care organizations meet the challenges of access and security of PII. Explain how data classification can assist with […]

Week 7 Part OneAnswer the following questions based on the videos:What major changes happened for women in European countries after WWI? What 2 countries are mentioned as the exception to this rule and why? (hint: you know about the situation of women in one of these countries from previous classes)What was the cause of inflation in […]

Behavior Therapy

Read the summary for Mary A, then answer the following questions using behavior therapy. Your answers should be a minimum of one paragraph per question. Behavior therapist – Edward L. Thorndyke, John Watson, Joseph Wolpe, B.F. Skinner 1.What are the goals for counseling with Mary from this particular theoretical approach? For example, if counseling is […]

Classifying Data as Health Care Evolves

The article, “Data Standards, Data Quality, and Interoperability (Updated)” linked in the Resources was originally published in 2007. It was updated in 2013. Review both versions of the article, looking for similarities and differences. Write a post in which you will explain why you think it was necessary to update the content, relying upon what […]

Lecture Survey

Lecture Link Question 1: Review from last week’s reading After watching the video that starts the lecture: who or what you believe is most to blame for starting WWIQuestion 2: Review from previous lessons:Explain the intersection of science of race with the science of crime and how did they help to support colonialism and anti-democratic […]

learning journal 2

Learning Journals (Individual Grade): You will be required to submit two learning journals, each exactly two pages in length. The first journal will be due at Session 4 (and will count towards your midterm grade), and the second learning journal will be due at Session 11 (and will count towards your final grade). In tone […]

Data and Statistics in Health Care

Statistics can be used at any level within an organization or in the health care industry. The use of data to improve patient care along with the ability to access health data resources are commonly required skills in a health care workplace. In this assignment, you will continue to explore the use of statistics in […]

Concert report Draft 1 – classical

Antonin Dvorak’s “New World Symphony” Dvok: The Symphony No. 9 “From the New World” (Stunning Performance – Standing Ovations) – I. Adagio – Allegro molto  – II. Largo Dvok: The Symphony No. 9 “From the New World” (Stunning Performance – Standing Ovations)  – III. Scherzo (molto vivace) Dvok: The Symphony No. 9 “From the […]


Tracey, age 56, was laid off from her bank job 6 months ago; she has been applying for various positions with very little response and only one interview, and her state unemployment insurance has just ended. As a single mother, she was unable to save much for her retirement. She now fears she will run […]

about monsters

Prompt #3: Desiring the Monster. Jeffery Jerome Cohen suggests that monsters reflect our desires, especially desires involving freedom, escape from restrictions, or the ability to make socially unacceptable choices. Using Shakespeares Titus Andronicus and/or Joss Whedons Buffy the Vampire Slayer for support, discuss the ways in which monsters can function as symbols of desire. What […]

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