Ancient Mayans

Go online and find a Mayan glyph that looks interesting, and its translation. Then explain it to me. (Use a picture from images) Brief Response: Explain the Calendar Round to me.No copy and pasting.  Cite when you use quote from source


Part A After completing the Think Cultural Health: Introduction and Course I, select a colleague or friend to interview. Try to find someone who has a different culture than you. Post a summary of the cultural details which includes:     Where was the client born?    How long has the client lived in the […]


rite a research paper on one of the seven major world religions. This paper should be at least 2000 words (MLA format). Approximately 5 typed pages double spaced; 1 inch margins; size 12 font Times Roman. This paper must utilize the class text book and the text book should be quoted at least 2 times […]

impact of food consumption on health

This week, you will submit your topic proposal for your informative speech.The goals of an informative speech include:    Build an audiences understanding and awareness by imparting knowledge.    Provide listeners with new information, new ideas, or new ways of thinking about a topic.Be sure that your topic is appropriate for your audience (academic setting) and the […]

healthcare economics

Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting. A new type of third-party-reimbursement healthcare payment plan is emerging in the United States. CDHPs strive to control costs and improve quality of care by requiring consumers to take control of their own healthcare decisions. […]

locating and appraising research

Step 1: ResearchInterview a librarian or nursing scholar on methods for locating and appraising heath and other relevant research literature and electronic database search on strategies. Step 2: ConsiderWrite a quality appraisal of the Library and resources.What did you learn?How do you locate and evaluate sources of evidence?Which electronic database would you use most and […]

impact of food consumption on health

This week, you will submit your topic proposal for your informative speech.The goals of an informative speech include:-Build an audiences understanding and awareness by imparting knowledge.-Provide listeners with new information, new ideas, or new ways of thinking about a topic.Be sure that your topic is appropriate for your audience (academic setting) and the time frame […]

a place in the sun the movie

Please go one youtube and( rent A place in the sun) the movie and reviewA Place in the Sun is a tragedy of young people.  Each character–George, Alice, and Angela–has a tragic flaw.  (Tragic flaws are something all people carry as part of the human condition.  When unchecked, they lay out a course of events […]

Comparing Poems

Invictus and the Rainy day poem. Compare and contrast them both. Give 3 example with 3 explanations, give 1 direct quote of either one. Color code it (red/ topic, black/ direct quotes and examples, blue/ supporting sentences/ explanation of your examples from the text, green/ closing sentence.). 2 complete paragraphs. State the theme, expertly explain […]

About me

Write and explain how you have already participated in ISR activities, perhaps in high school. You can also explain any ISR activities that you are currently involved in. Limit yourself to detailed descriptions of 3 activities. Remember that ISR can take many forms: actual volunteer activities, donation of funds/money, and donation of time. ISR means […]

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