Discuss Your Communication Style

Discussion InstructionsInitial Post: After you complete the Communication Style Quiz and read the above article,  please answer the following questions: (Initial post due Wednesday of Module 4 by 11:59 pm ET.)What style described your communication style the most accurately? Did you agree with this result? Why or why not?What do you see as the challenges […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

*Below are five (5) essay topics. Please choose three (3) of them to answer. For each essay youchoose, please select three (3) works of art and/or architecture, or images from three (3) differentworks of art to analyze and discuss — three works or images of your own choice, from the exam studyguide — as the […]

Path Goal Theory

The table in your textbook, “Path-Goal Theory: How It Works,” illustrates how leadership behaviors are related to followers and task characteristics. This assignment will give you practice in evaluating which leadership style best fits the needs of followers and the work they are doing in the given situation, and predicting the results. You will be […]

write about painting short story

Develop the painting into a short story  (You can also use the character we generated during free writing as the basis for ur story story.) Word Count minimum = 250 words, maximum = 600 words Your story should be well developed, polished, and edited: something you’d feel proud to submit to a magazine. This should […]


Writing from scratch: I will keep sharing further information moving forward. Assessment is in two parts (Total: 2450 words) Part Two: Essay One (1700 words) Learning Outcomes: LO1, LO3 Identify and describe in detail a leadership situation that you observed in your early childhood centre (real or hypothetical) (in 200 words). Critically analyse the situation […]

The counter-reformation and its effect on 16th to 17th century art in spain through the brushes of El Greco, Francisco de Zurbaran and Jusepe de Ribera

research paper on spanish art, he wants chicago manual style footnotes and bibliography as well. It’s a 10 page assignment but I already have more than half written, it needs editing and revision and the rest to be written I will send the file once I choose a writer

Summarize one benefit and one drawback of empathy for humanity mentioned in the CBT materials. Explain the role of empathy in medicine/business/academia (Pick one of them). Support your answer with sources, explanations, and examples.

Summarize one benefit and one drawback of empathy for humanity mentioned in the CBT materials. Explain the role of empathy in medicine/business/academia (Pick one of them). Support your answer with sources, explanations, and examples. 1)    Write essay outline. ( Essay prompt outline template is uploaded)        CBT materials are uploaded. – Do […]

An Integrated Marketing Campaign Promoting A Product Of Your Choice That Is Recognised Across The World As A British Brand In Any Industry Of Your Choice

Assessment task: Individually you need to work on creating an integrated marketing campaign promoting a product of your choice that is recognised across the world as a British brand in any industry of your choice. As part of your campaign, you need to complete the tasks detailed below for which you will get formative feedback. […]

Economic and political reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina: since 1995

The paper should be 8 pages in length, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, with 1 inch margins, on a Word document. Use subtitles. Always cite with in text citations other peoples ideas, even when you paraphrase them. Do not use casual language, prose, cute metaphors, or generalities. Do not use long quotes.An additional […]

An Integrated Marketing Campaign Promoting A Product Of Your Choice That Is Recognised Across The World As A British Brand In Any Industry Of Your Choice

Assessment task: Individually you need to work on creating an integrated marketing campaign promoting a product of your choice that is recognised across the world as a British brand in any industry of your choice. As part of your campaign, you need to complete the tasks detailed below for which you will get formative feedback. […]

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