Family Communication

Watch the film “Lady Bird”- it’s streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Type “Lady Bird” into the search bar, and is the 2017 film. Analyze the family communication patterns of Lady Bird & her family (her parents and brother). Use specific examples from the movie to support your claims. Don’t need to cite the movie and […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Short story of 500 (+-100) words. This should be fiction and have characters. It should be set 10 -30 years in the future. The story should explore the impact of technology onthe characters lives, and the technology needs to seemfeasible to achieve. Include some references (Harvard referencing) to the technologies that youhave found. Look at […]

Discussion: Leading a Virtual Organization: Critical Decisions WK 7

Discussion: Leading a Virtual Organization: Critical DecisionsLeaders are responsible for making decisions that have long-term ramifications; thus, making the appropriate decisions can be stressful and leaders decisions may vary. They often enhance employee performance using effective means for employee engagement. Leaders are also sometimes responsible for building trust among their team members as well as […]

nuclear weapons

a paper on the ethical and moral aspect of nuclear weapon, which lead to the international norms against such weapons. start by briefly mentioning the history of the weapons and its use and how that created the aversion towards the use of NW APA – academic sources

Public Opinion Poll Paper

Write a 250-350 word paper summarizing the rationale of the public opinion poll or survey you created on immigration reformThe key actors (legislators, interest groups, and activists, etc.)Explain the following:why the key actors were chosen?why these particular questions were chosen?LegislatorsQ: Do you think that immigration issues should be handled at the state level instead of […]

Is texting killing the English language? – GPA

Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text […]

Case study

For this assignment, you will be asked to read a case study and then answer some questions related to the case.  This case deals with making decisions under pressure, especially when information is insufficient. The Case Authors: Lauren Ankeles, Marine Lea Graham, Roberta Pittore and Priyanka Ramamurthy From:  MIT Sloane After 11 months of planning, […]

social media and eating disorders

Write a 2 page essay on social media’s positive effect on people with eating disorders. Research on examples or studies of how social media can sometimes encourage for people with eating disorders to recover and etc (maybe because the internet is so anonymous that they feel more comfortable talking to others about their problems).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Hepatitis. arff Data set contains information about patients affected by Hepatitis. The task is to generate a classification model to predict Hepatitis histology: Yes/No. Submit a report based on the answers for the following questions: a)    Select a suitable decision tree model for predicting Histology. –    Which model evaluation method did you use (CW, […]

Systems Theory and Practice Issues

I must use the attached article and one outside source. Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or future practice area, identify an issue or concern. In your initial response, please describe the concern. Does the concern primarily occur at the micro, meso, […]

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