Assignment 7

Write an essay 2 3 page essay, describing what you think your next step should be in moving your career forward. What are the costs associated with this option, and what benefits do you expect to gain? What timeframe do you anticipate this next step in your career can/should take? Does your choice exhibit the […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We often make judgments about someone based on their accent, such as how old they are or where in the country theyre from. Its common, too, for people to develop preferences for certain accents. All humans have these sorts of automatic associations and reactions, which are typically described as types of accent bias. Please watch […]

Opportunity and Consumer Analysis

See the Prompt Attachment Develop a comprehensive Opportunity and Consumer Analysis for The Los Angeles Rams and provide a thorough analysis of the existing marketing strategies and consumers, and determine an opportunity for greater consumer reach. Outline a brief 1-, 3-, and 5-year plan for the marketing opportunity. Specifically, the following critical elements must be […]

American Goverment

You are to find an article published in any newspaper, magazine, or credible online resource in the last two months regarding the balance of power between the state and Federal government. The article can discuss any issue (budgets, security, etc.) but it must include coverage of how the US Federal and state governments interact, or […]

read instructions

EES88 NX Performance Task #1: Literary Analysis Essay Your Task: Closely read the pair of texts provided and write a well-developed, text-based response of atleast three pages (700-900 words). In your response, first identify the theme, or central idea, related toVoices of Protest that links the two texts. Analyze how each author uses a variety […]

Immigration in Global Economics

Respond to the charge that immigrants flood the labor market and drive down wages in the U.S. Additional information: “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am […]

Read Instructions

EES86 NX Performance Task #3: Narrative Writing Your Task: Create a narrative, or story, that develops an idea you have on the following theme: The Modern World. Your narrative can be a personal memoir OR a fictional short story. Whether drawn from your life or a work of imagination, your story should develop your chosen […]

How Has The Us Government Fought Or Contribute To Racial Discrimination In American Society?

Task: This project asks you to write a persuasive web article that makes an argument about your topic to a specific audience, using the research you’ve gathered (from Module 2 and the additional sources you will gather in Module 3). A web article is a broad genre of text that encompasses many different purposes, audiences […]

Compare and Contrast

Often students and professors will come across scholarly articles, media reports, videos, or psychological principles that at least partially conflict with one another. As with the Reactions Papers, these papers are opinion-based. This week’s assignment: Compare and contrast the Premack Principle to Positive Reinforcement taking into consideration what I have written below. Teacher leave those […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Case Study Report (350 points): You will analyze the organizational communication presented through the fictional show “The Office”. You may pick any show you like, as long as you run it by the professor. You will write up a report as though you are a communication consultant who has come in to observe and provide […]

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