Usability Journal – write three (3) journal entries. Each entry shall be approximately 500 words each. Each entry shall focus on an object that contains a bad usability design. These are PHYSICAL objects, not software or website interfaces.  Explain why the object being described does not maintain good usability practices. The deliverable shall include citable examples of […]

Write a summary of the document

You are the fraud investigator on a case and you are certain the VP of Operations has embezzled funds. The VP of Operations has been under suspicion twice before on similar schemes but these suspicions were never proven. Do you think, in this case, it would be acceptable to include evidence from these prior situations […]

Proposed solution

 Now that you have completed a series of assignments that have led you into the active project planning and development stage for your project, briefly describe your proposed solution to address the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and how it has changed since you first envisioned it. What led to your current perspective […]

Response to In Machines We Trust Podcast and Reading

https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/04/01/1021671/podcast-rate-beauty-ai-score-attractive-algorithm-face/ listen to the podcast and read the file attached and then start working  According to the episode of In Machines We Trust, how do algorithms influence social norms surrounding beauty and what are some broader effects of this trend?  What was your overall reaction to this podcast?  Cite specific examples from the episode.  How did the pandemic change […]

Required resources

  Work with your preceptor to assess the organization for required resources needed for the strategic plan if the change proposal were to be implemented. Review your strategic plan and determine what resources would be needed if the change proposal were to be implemented. Write a list of at least four resources you will need […]


   Write a one or two paragraph reflection as 1 page text file or text entry. List any of the anecdotes that caught your attention and include your thoughts, reactions, personal experience, and if you agree or disagree with the author.


Employment insecurity in the United States caused by layoffs and downsizing is experienced by other countries as well. As an HR leader in a multinational corporation, you could be responsible for both expatriate and repatriate employees in many different countries who are concerned about their careers. You realize that most of your expatriates normally have […]

Ides 381

IDES 381 Lighting Control Systems residential   Read Lighting Controls – In-wall dimmers/switches Smart Lighting – This link is FYI. Wellness lighting – Every home will benefit from lighting control; dimmers, motion sensors, occupancy sensors, photosensors/timers. Each feature offered provides energy savings, increased personal safety and wellness within the space while creating specific lighting for […]

Research assignment

Action Items In addition to the reading assignments for this module, conduct research for the topics listed below. You must use at least two relevant, scholarly sources in addition to your textbook. Begin your research at the . Kingdon’s Three Streams The Window of Opportunity Conduct research regarding a health policy issue. It is recommended […]

Discussion Board: Social Media Addiction Options Menu: Forum

  As discussed in this section, many ethical issues are surrounding the use of social media. As social media becomes more integrated into our day to day lives, many people end up spending hours each day scrolling through their feeds. With the increased social media usage, many believe that addiction to social media is becoming widespread. […]

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