Mac OS Forensics

 2 PAGES, Arial Font, double space  You are an experienced digital forensics specialist for DigiFirm Investigation Company.  One of your clients is a small music production company.  One day you receive a phone call from Andrea, the owner, and president of the music company. Andrea believes one of her employees, a sound technician, has been […]

Comparing Windows and Mac OS Forensic Investigations

1 page and a half Windows and Mac OS are distinctly separate operating systems that use different boot processes, file systems, directories, and so on.  However, some of the general steps used to examine computers for digital evidence apply to both systems. Answer the following questions(s): Discuss the similarities between a Windows and a Mac […]


   Assessment Part 1 SENSATIONAL SIX WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: ( ITS FLUENCY ONLY BUT THE CONCLUSION IS ABOUT ALL. HOW THEY ARE INTERRELATED. A descriptive explanation of the component ( FLUENCY) List 2 strategy examples for FLUENCY (Use CORE book to identify appropriate strategies for each area) (  CONCLUSION MUST DO : The […]

Creative Nonfiction

For this assignment, you will write a personal essay of approximately 1,500 words. While the essay should have a personal component, it should not be primarily about you. Instead, it should work to consider some observation or aspect of the world that is particularly interesting, confusing, or troublesome to you. In creative nonfiction, I evaluate […]

Risk Management Templet

    Project Risk Management then review the material below and follow the instructions  Assignment Overview: You will create a Project Risk Register using the provided        for an IT infrastructure project.  This assignment  is a true Exercise and the project is not associated with or  based on Case Study material in the […]

HR Analytics

TOPIC:      Define, discuss, and provide a practical example of each of the four levels of HR analytics: operational reporting, advanced reporting, strategic analytics, and predictive analytics.     Provide an example of data (i.e. analytics) that can be retrieved from each of these levels.  For example, using e-Recruitment and e-Selection software, you can identify the […]

360-Degree Appraisal

360-Degree Appraisal The 360-degree appraisal approach entails collecting performance information from several workers who interact with the employee being evaluated. For example, information can be collected from supervisors, subordinates, customers, and peers. In some situations, employees also evaluate their own work as a part of the 360-degree appraisal process. The 360-degree appraisal is designed to […]

health care

Discussion Questions Planning for our patients during times of transitions (for example: hospital to home, home to rehabilitation facility) involves collaboration with a number of healthcare professionals. Please address the following questions: How does your facility promote interprofessional collaboration during times of patient transitions? What is the role of the nurse in patient transitions? What […]

health care

Go to the link (Links to an external site.). View the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards (CLAS) categories aimed at equity and quality care (HHS, n.d.). Notice how these standards overlap with many of the expectations and standards in professional nursing practice! In what ways are you and your peers using these […]

Signature Assignment: Quantitative Reasoning

Required (n.d.) What is a decision or Pugh matrix? Retrieved from, J. (2014). Bringing HR and finance together with analytics. HR Magazine, 59(11), 44-46. Retrieved from ProQuest in the Trident Online Library.Lowisz, S. (July 2008). Six good metrics. Recruiting Intelligence ( Retrieved from, J., & Adams, A. (2010). Getting the measure of […]

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