
Obviously, everybody has different skill sets. The goal of this lesson is not to become an Olympic volleyball player. Instead, it is to learn/improve some basic volleyball skills. For this assessment, you should experiment with your passing, serving, and setting. (Perhaps the local YMCA has pick-up volleyball games in which you could participate.) After you […]

work statement /experience

 two examples of your work from within the last three (3) years (e.g. executive summary of a written report, slide presentation, memo, or other short no more than three pages written communications piece)  My experience :  full time student , Ashford University BA in Organizational Management   Floral experience /employment  :    Water outside Scan […]

Reply to discussions

reply to the below discussions with 250 words 1)   Information Technology (IT) infrastructure is identified as a composition of software, hardware, network services and resources, and data centers (Vacca, 2013). IT infrastructure are important when it comes to the operation, existance, and management of enterprise information technology environment. It is understood that the weakest […]

Research paper

Writing assignment way over due. It is thru James Madison online high school. Wouldnt take but a day probably I just dont understand the instructions. I am willing to talk further prices if interested email me and I can give you the log in and further instructions. Would very much appreciate it.

Theory Portfolio 1

Guidelines:Summarize the particular content based on the provided template, but below are some basic areas that should be addressed if applicable:1.    Basic/key Principles and Assumptions2.    Strengths and Weaknesses of theoretical perspective 3.    Application to criminal justice or crime-reduction policy Formatting:Each page should be single space/ Size 12 font/Times New roman / 1 in. margins    There […]

Pre-Individual Assignment Literature Review

Description of the assignment:For this assignment you are asked to complete a literature review on one of the below topics. You are asked to critically review between 5-7 educational journal articles on your topic and write a 600-800 word literature review on the articles you’ve selected.The topics are:    Negotiation & Persuasion    Team Productivity & Performance    […]


Book Review #1- The Spirit Catches You and You Fall DownChapters 1-3 Explain why Foua Yangs birthdate may have been different in various locations in the medical charts? Describe how the history of the Hmong people as discussed in chapter two may have influenced Foua and Nao Kaos perception of the physicians and nurses who […]

School shootings

Here you are to research and write a paper regarding school shooters. Take or case it can be elementary. Middle, high school or college. Examine the incident and pay particular attention to the shooter and their background, discuss if they suffer from a psychoses of any kind and if that contributed to the incident. a. […]

weather elements to aviation operations: clouds, and precipitation

    Paragraph 1: Outline a general definition and description of the weather element(s) clouds and precipitation.  Include descriptive features about the weather element(s) – its variation in time and/or space, relevant terminology, conventions, common units of measure, etc.     Paragraph 2: Summarize one or more impacts of the weather element(s) to aviation operations.    Paragraph 3: […]

week 2

  Compare and contrast the three types of social control. Provide one best practice for each type of social control, noting how power, authority, and influence play a role in each.   Select the type of sanction you would use to establish and maintain social control in a school setting and explain why. Select one of the […]

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