Security and Insecurity in Global Politics

Greetings! (Quick outline of Module – Security and Insecurity in Global Politics is a module covering a range of conceptual, empirical and policy issues around the global organisation of ‘security’, broadly understood. It is not a module on war, although we do discuss varieties of political and organised violence. The main focus is instead on […]


This weeks reading included a chapter on memory. As any student knows, remembering all the information needed to pass an upcoming quiz can be a challenge. For this assignment, do some research into techniques that you can employ to improve your memory. Examples of some possible techniques you could use include mnemonic devices, associations,  flashcards, […]

Art research paper

1.     Consider the social/political Topics (listed on the left) and choose a subject.2.     Choose a contemporary artist working in the genre selected from the list on the right3.    There is the artists you can choose: (Select one from these two)Trust Your Struggle: Greyeye: Topics:1. Indigeniety2. (in)Justice/Social Movements3. Gender and Sexuality5. […]

Essay #3

Essay #3 Weekly Essay These should answer the inquiry by incorporating the weeks work in your own words. No quotes. No paraphrasing. All in your own words and turned in to the proper assignment slot in CANVAS. Use a basic 5 paragraph essay style, support your points with data and critical thinking.  No late submissions. […]

Risk Register

I need assistance from someone who is familiar with Project Management.  I am to Create an Excel for Risk Register:1.1 Include Project Risks. For each risk identified,     include Mitigation,  Contingency Durations, and Contingency Cost for each. This task is very simple for someone who has worked in project management.  The due date is Wednesday […]

Government Debt and Unemployment

– Based on the Coronavirus outbreak within the United States and the increasing amount of federal debt, what are some possible outcomes for people within the United States once the crisis is over? – What happens to society as each day goes by that people are unemployed based on the Coronavirus outbreak within the United […]

Urbanization, population, and the environment

Essay Two should be your reflections on your life with regard to any topic(s) in Chapters 11-16.  I do not expect research papers.  The essays should be personal and authentic, but please do not reveal any information that you regard as privacy.  It will be graded based on the quality of thoughts and the sociological […]

250 words on immigrants in the Great Depression

*Note: Remember that a primary source is an artifact or document created at the time of an event or by someone who personally witnessed the event. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Your references and citations must be formatted according to APA style. ———————————————————————— Find a primary source from the […]

Socratic Dialogue (or Dialogue with Confucius)

Socratic Dialogue (or Dialogue with Confucius) MidtermMinimum 9 pages long. Compose an imaginary dialogue debating a topic (see assigned readings for each issue). Socrates (or Confucius) should perform three functions:1. Clarification of main areas of agreement and disagreement about the issue: i.e., Socrates must identify at least two opposing theses on the issue2. Paraphrase some […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Field, et al say that L.A. Rebellion filmmakers were countercinema practitioners breaking from the formal hegemony of classical Hollywood cinema[they] sought a storytelling form that would be more authentic to their subject *  Choose one of the films viewed in class (Rich, Shipley Street, Your Children Come Back to You) and in 250 to 300 […]

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