
1- Discuss the Donabedian’s model of quality improvement. (3 paragraphs) 2- Choose two of the quality measures we discussed in class, provide a summary of what they are (structures, processes, and outcomes), measurement approach(s), and how to benchmark them locally and globally. (4 paragraphs) 3- Considering NDNQI as an example, · Describe the nurse sensitive […]

E-response to Keenan (Group D)

Keenan is tackling a major theme of human rights activism and advocacy in mobilizing shame. How would you put that theme into your own words?  How do the two central examples of Somalia and Kosovo further or limit Keenans argument? How would you unpack the following paragraph (from page 446)?A wave. With this simple gesture […]

Response to 99% Invisble Podcast

Listen to this one first and then answer the question. This podcast episode considers the possibility of establishing meaningful emotional relationships with robots, including the possibility of using robots as therapists. According to interviewees in this episode, why might a robot be more effective than a human therapist?  On the other hand, why might […]

Information Security Management

 Complete Case Project 10-3 from page 466  Case Project 10-3: Rooting and Jailbreaking Research rooting and jailbreaking. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? How frequently is this technology used? Can a device that has been broken return to its default state? If so, how? Finally create a list of at least seven reasons […]


9 – 6 0 1 – 0 4 0R E V : N O V E M B E R 2 8 , 2 0 0 1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Research Associate Kerry Herman prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Alan MacCormack. This case was developed frompublished sources. HBS cases are developed solely as the […]


Self-Assessment: What Organizational Structure Do You Prefer? Personal values influence how comfortable you are working in different organizational structures. You might prefer an organization with clearly defined rules or no rules at all. You might prefer a firm where almost any employee can make important decisions, or where important decisions are screened by senior executives. […]

Application to Product

Target Audience and Competition are the next components to be addressed in the process of developing a Marketing Strategy. To choose an appropriate target market, one must understand how consumers make purchase decisions.Research    Research and discuss Maslows theory of needs and how it is applied to marketing. Resources MUST include Academic articles and research from […]

Essay- Representing A Democracy

InstructionsResearch the background of your Congressional representatives based on your address listed with CU – two senators and a member of the House of Representatives. Find out about their previous occupation(s), political experience, family, income, education, and other relevant demographics. What percentage of the vote did they receive to win in their last election? What […]

Global Heath Systems

Question 1 ***250 words***Identify one nutritional issue that impacts global health. Who is most at risk? What are some of the proposed interventions to address this issue? Question 2 ***250 words***What are some risk factors for cancer? Who is most at risk? What are some characteristics of good screening programs? ResourcesJocobsen, H. Kathryn (2019). Introduction […]

To what extent has the civil rights movement, between 1950 and 1970, contributed to a racially just and equal society in the United States?

Using your information, either from notes or spoken in class, as well as from at least 3 of the sources that appear in this document, construct an essay that responds to the debatable answer.  References to the current situation in the US should also appear. Essay plan:1. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC AND REFERENCE TO THE […]

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