Performance Appraisal Proposal

 The HR director approached the HR team requesting a reassessment of the current performance appraisal process and expectations. The HR director has broken the department into small groups and has asked each to research and propose a performance appraisal process to move forward with. Once the proposals are submitted, they will be reviewed by the […]

Health and Culture

Consider your strategies for getting healthy or staying healthy. In a 4-6 page paper, answer the following questions:1) Whom do you consult for health information? (examples- parent, doctor, pharmacist, religious figure, literature, friend, etc.).2) How does culture shape how you receive and interpret information and communication about health, disease, and illness?3) What strategies do you […]

self study guide

  ASSIGNMENT PREPARATION FOR WEEK 6The Impact of Climate Change on Population Growth and Food Security assignment will cover material from weeks 15 and is due by the end of Week 6. Now would be the time to review the Case Study (located in BlackboardCourse Info page under Course Resources) and start your research. If […]


Write-up Topic : You have been hired as special consultant to the director of Human Resources at McKinsey (or some other firm that hires many business students).  1. Based on the principles of mental accounting, how should McKinsey structure their compensation package to maximize the number of offers accepted (recruiting)? Of course, we are not looking […]


  300 words to discuss the possible ways that we can practice the concept of ‘circular economy’ on your college on daily basis


9 – 5 1 2 – 0 7 7 R E V : J A N U A R Y 3 1 , 2 0 1 3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professors Vineet Kumar, Bharat Anand, Sunil Gupta and Felix Oberholzer-Gee prepared this case with the help of Research Associate Dharmishta Rood. This case was developed from published […]


Is the Paywall working? Should New York Times persist with the paywall? (Hint: it may help to calculate the revenue from digital subscribers using p.7 information and Exhibit 12; consider whether there is cannibalization of print subscriptions by incorporating Table C; consider how much page views may be contributing to ad revenues by combining Exhibit […]

How bad India’s gov dealt with their environment (in policy)

“Where does your country rank in global standings? Why does your country rank that way? ” Please to look at benchmarks that would be helpful for policy makers in your target country. What policy work and didn’t work; look for discrepancies and anomalies compared countries chose: Brazil and Japan (because of size);5 citation per page

Cover Letter

Write a cover letter as a new PMHNP to attach to your resume.  Checklist for Cover Letter : Your cover letter should be:  Presented and formatted in a professional business manner o Addressed properly o Clear and concise and include: o Content Introduction o Content Body o Content Conclusion o Written in a professional style […]


page i page ii finance 4e page iii finance 4e Marcia Millon CornettBentley University Troy A. Adair Jr.Harvard Business School John NofsingerUniversity of Alaska Anchorage page iv M: FINANCE, FOURTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2019 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed inthe United States […]

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