Take-home Response 3: Zimmerman’s Metamorphosis

Take-home Response 3: Zimmerman’s MetamorphosisToday we saw a performance of Mary Zimmerman’s take on Ovid’s Metamorphoses, but you also have the text of the play available to you as a PDF file under “Week 13:  Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses.” Please use what you have seen and read to answer the following discussion prompt: The fact that her […]

Metaliteracy journal

Using the learning situation from your M2 Course Project Blog, create an exercise to help the student use metaliteracy skills. Make sure your exercise could be performed in both hybrid and online classes. Your post should contain the following information: A brief description of the learning situation you identified in your Module 2 Blog. (grade […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

As a leader, it is beneficial to have a core set of practices that can be effective in routine times and also during difficult or very challenging times. The leadership practices by Kouzes and Posner are based upon the transformational leadership model. Organizational leaders must plan to continually improve as leaders while also seeking to […]

Earthlings Film

Be sure to frame your reactions and summarize  using SPECIFIC scenes/evidence from the film.  DO NOT MAKE GENERAL STATEMENTS HERE as it will be reflected in your grade.  Rem,ember, you are demonstrating to me that you watched the film.  Please note the film is divided in 6 parts – please make sure you refer to […]

Research Report

AIM: To critically assess and compare UK’s current techniques with other solutions as well as make recommendations to manage the spread of plastics in the oceans. Elaborate further on the general problem, importance of addressing it and aim of the work in your submitted research project, so that these are clear and directly set from […]

Comparative Paper

Comparative Paper: Visit the website for the U.S. House of Representatives (<www.house.gov (Links to an external site.)>).  Then use the parliamentary website of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (www.ipu.org/english/parlweb.htm (Links to an external site.)) to visit the website of the lower houses of at least two other legislatures (one of which should be from the Global South).  […]

Respond to the following questions using information from the Binder, Davis, & Bloom article (in readings folder) and author video. In 1-2 sentences, identify the main theme of the article. Describe the sampling method that the author(s) used & wh

Respond to the following questions using information from the Binder, Davis, & Bloom article (in readings folder) and author video. In 1-2 sentences, identify the main theme of the  article. Describe the sampling method that the author(s) used & who was interviewed i.e. How many respondents were interviewed? How did the author recruit them? What […]

Financial Management

The excel file MBAN622 Assignment Data includes the monthly prices of fivepublicly traded companies over the last five years. Your task is to evaluate theirmonthly performance over the last five years, where for each company you willneed to find the monthly returns based on the prices. Therefore, you shouldevaluate the performance in relation to the […]

American politics, government reform legislation, and culture in the post-Watergate period

3-4 pages in length, double spaced, and in Times New Roman, size 12 font. Prompt: Alan J. Pakulas film All the Presidents Men (1976) depicts the groundbreaking investigative journalism of Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward during the Watergate fiasco. In the film, Nixon is the corrupt power that needs to be removed while the press […]

Technology Analysis

******Technology to analyze : Weather Radar******Learning Objective The student will analyze current use of technology and provide recommendations for improvement.  Overview Each student will complete an analysis and critique for a technology component being used within a public safety, emergency management, or business continuity setting. Using a word processor, students will develop a 1500 double […]

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