Arts reporter

Assume that as an arts reporter for a newspaper you have the opportunity to interview an artist, writer, musician, or filmmaker from this weeks required reading.  In preparation for your interview, research the work (i.e. the poem, film, artwork, or composition, etc.) and then list five questions you would ask and what you think the […]

Insurance Fraud and Abuse

Insurance Fraud and Abuse Health insurance fraud is a problem globally, and Saudi Arabia is not immune. Assume you have been tasked with presenting this problem to your healthcare organization so employees can act appropriately when processing health insurance claims. Be sure to address:  Actions that would be considered fraudulent; Key indicators that fraud is […]


HIS 200 Module Three Short Response Guidelines and Rubric Overview: The short response activities in the webtext throughout this course are designed to show your understanding of key concepts as you engage with course content. Prompt: During the third week of the course, you will respond to several questions in the webtext as you complete […]

Read description

After reading the article “The Mexican War of Independence” in your Boundless World History link under the section “Change in The Americas”, please answer each question in approximately one paragraph each: Analyze the effect events in Europe had on Mexico in 1808. Describe Spanish rule in Mexico. Examine some of the indigenous uprisings against the […]


SaudiMOH Saudi_MohSaudiMOH937 Law of Practicing HealthcareProfessions Issued under the Royal Decree No. M/59 dated 04/11/1426H and its implementing regulation issued by the ministerial resolution No. 4080489 dated 12/01/1439H. SaudiMOH Saudi_MohSaudiMOH937 Law of PracticingHealthcare Professions Regulations of Practicing Healthcare Professions Kingdom of Saudi Arabia No. 4040489Ministry’s Office (275) Date: 02/01/1439H Attachments: Ministerial Resolution The […]


Genetic Screening In the United States, most state health departments require screening for genetic disorders in newborns. Some states go so far as to require pre-marriage genetic testing, where they examine the potential parents for risk of genetic disorders in their offspring. It's worth noting, however, that some states allow for exemptions from testing based […]

Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice Create a PowerPoint presentation examining the law in Saudi Arabia pertaining to litigation of physicians and healthcare organizations as shown in the Ministry of Health Law of practicing health professions (2005, December 6).  Be sure to include: An analysis of the purpose of the law; The ethical principles guiding this litigation; The definition […]

ITS538 – B03 Database Systems

Discussion 1 (Chapter 25):  How do you define big data? What are the implications from the three industry trends (Three Vs), presented in the textbook, by the Gardner Group? Three Vs presented in the textbook are as follows: Volume, Velocity, and Variety.  Instructions:  Your response to the initial question should be 250-300 words.  Next respond to two postings provided by your classmates. I am looking for active engagement in the discussion.  Please engage […]

Critical Thinking Assignment

 Critical Thinking Assignment  Using the Clinical Trial on breast cancer dataset. Perform a Kaplan-Meier Analysis to determine the survival curve for the breast cancer survivors. H0 The risk of dying from breast cancer will occur within five years. (Null Hypothesis)H1 The risk of dying from breast cancer does not occur within five years. (Alternative Hypothesis)Ensure […]

d4.docx 2 page (no need to follow any writing format such as MLA or APA) addressing the following questions: 1. What IS key features has Zara utilized in their operations supply chain to gain a competitive advantage over other retailers? (2 points) 2. Give an example of another industry where Zara's quick-to-market approach could build […]

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