Any topic (writer’s choice)

read the in presentation instruction, previous work and finish the “Time requirements” part only.Remember to submit the file in ppt.The three pages work should include 3-4 slides of presentation and 1 page of  speaker notes(please write it in each slides)

Critical Synthesis Essay

*This should be a 6-8 page Essay Prompt: Write a critical essay about one of the texts that we have studied together this semester, using at least two secondary sources to comment on it. One of your secondary sources should be an article that weve read together as a class; the other should be a […]

Sports Laws Final Paper

The final project for this course is a 10 to 15 page paper that explores a topic discussed in class or in the readings. The topic is open-ended and based on the students interest.The paper should not merely be a description or summary of what we have read and discussed. For example, a paper whose […]

Reflection Paper

List: Profits, Markets, Competition, Market Structure, Labor Costs, Innovation, Entrepreneurial ability, Improvements in technology, Productivity, Comparative Advantage, Physical Capital, Government Regulations, Business Incentives, Economies of Scale, Profit Maximization, Product Differentiation, Brand Name, Advertising General Instructions: Choose one concept from the list above, and write a paper a 350 to 500 word paper  in which you […]

First, Using Amin Maalouf’s “Nos freres inatendues” attached translated-online comments, I would like you to find how does it correlates to Daniel Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe” book. What are the similarities, common theme (Philosphy, Political, Island)

First, Using Amin Maalouf’s “Nos freres inatendues” recent book, attached translated-online comments and book, I would like you to find how does it correlates to Aristophanes “The Birds” book, OR, Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Nights Dream” (Easily found online). What are the similarities, common theme (Philosophical, Political, Order/disorder Perhaps…), threads storyline, All aspects building a solid, […]

Research & Design

Dissertation Blog Post 4!!No unread replies.No replies. Research Design For Dissertation Blog Post 4 please post your potential research design on your blog; please make sure your purpose and research questions are visible from your previous post (or please repost them). Please discuss briefly why you feel this design is most appropriate. Don’t forget to […]

Doing Dissertation Research

Understanding the Research Approval Process Determine what the process is for conducting research in your district/organization and describe it here (not NSU’s process, but your organization’s process). Then discuss how your study aligns/does not align with the requirements. If it does not align, please identify other research approaches. Additionally, please think about any potential issues […]

The second Draft

Students should be able to develop further on their script 2nd draft the dramatic units (problem, conflict, adapting to new circumstances, resolution, etc.) as well to have refined further each character developmental arc. The second draft is all about fixing story problems like: * Story structure: Dramatic Acts and plot points. * Logic problems: Events […]

Legal Studies

Answer the following questions. Your answers should summarize the topics covered by the questions. (I do not need the question rewritten on my requested essay paper. Just the number and answer) 1.What is the purpose of the Sexual Offender Registry Board?Explain the levels of classification? 2.Explain the termination of parental rights proceedings. What must the […]

Journey of transformation

Write 1100 words paper (about four pages double-spaced) about any of the topics discussed in class. You need to use at least three references in your paper with the proper citations.W 8/26          Msgr. Fahys Presidential Address. Readings will be in Blackboard.  Discussion question due the date before. M 8/31        […]

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