Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease

 Discussion:  Review the safety and effectiveness of  for the treatment of Obesity.   Include your opinion about holistic and allopathic care. See this   See this for .   Word limit 500 words   Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA format) for your work.   

week 2

For this particular thread,   please locate and post an advertisement that you think lends itself to a discussion/analysis of the ways in which women’s (and other) bodies are enlisted to promote the beauty ideal and corporate capitalism, consumption, etc.  Briefly tell us where you found the ad and who you think is its target […]

intro week 1

  What do glossophobia, achluoyphobia, acrophobia, aerophobia and agoraphobia all have in common?  Fear of something.  Statistics and its relationship with math can cause fear in students. Share what you do when you encounter something you fear. Be specific and relate the process to the subject of statistics. Compare different research methodologies you have encountered […]

Class project

   PROJECT COMPONENTS The project should address the following Aspects of Cultural Assessment: 1. Ethnic/racial identity: How does the group identify itself in terms of ethnicity and racial background? What is the range of interaction outside of the cultural group? Are recreational, educational, and other social activities within the ethnic reference group, the wider community, […]

Case Study

Diversified Risk Stock Portfolio For this case study, create a portfolio of five to eight stocks that demonstrate diversified risk. List the stocks along with their current price and previous 1-year and 5-year rates of return. Below the list of stocks, address the issues described below. Explain the difference between portfolio risk and stand-alone risk. […]

Fiction literature

How do Peynados ideas in her story Is Fabulism the New Sincerity reflect what is going on The Touches and/or Room for Rent? How are the ideas of replay (familiar) and in-play (unfamiliar, unexpected) at work in The Touches and/or Room for Rent?   Room for Rent by Richie Narvaez The Touches By by Brenda […]

America and Terrorism

  Oklahoma City Bombing 9/11 Bombing of the World Trade Centers Boston Marathon Bombings   Explain if you think that global terrorism can be stopped. Analyze the responsibility of the United States today to be the world’s “policeman.” Assess if peace and stability in the Middle East are vital to U.S. economy and national security. If […]

Unit VIII Research Paper religion

Now that you are ending your travels with Religious News, you decide to write a two-page academic paper that showcases your newfound perspective on world religions and new religions. For this research paper you will: create a cover page (not included in total page count), explore conflict between religion and science, evaluate the importance of […]

Unit VIII Consumer

Select two websites from the list below, analyzing them from the standpoint of transferring information. In Unit IV, we analyzed websites for their ability to persuade; in this unit, we are analyzing for the efficiency in providing information to the consumer. Keep in mind that the end goal of both is to influence the target […]


Unit Paper #4Using the Unit Paper Format, answer the followingDiscussion Questions:1. Discuss Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. How did the New Dealimpact the lives of African Americans, especially in NYC?2. Who was A. Phillip Randolph? Discuss him and his role in theAfrican American quest for civil rights. What street in NYC is conamed in […]

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