
  Throughout the pandemic until current times the Federal Reserve has been extremely active in trying to stimulate growth and then to control inflation. Specifically, the Fed followed one policy in 2020, and a different one now. You are to compare and contrast Fed activities during 2020 and the recent and current period in 2022. […]

Any topic (writer’s choice) Based on this article reading, write your own thoughts on the following:How do you think the COVID 19 impacted minority older adults? In your opinion, what can be done to better the situation for the future?  1-3 paragraphs What is the Advance Directive? Define what Advance Directive is. Then also discuss components of the […]


Discussion: Psychological Disorders   Diagnosing Disorders


Disorder At-a-Glance STEP 1: Pick one of the disorders you read about in this module and learn more about it in order to make a “At-a-Glance” page with details about the disorder. Visit the National Institute of Mental Health and search for the disorder, read through the information, then scroll to the section on “Research […]

Prepare for SUCCESS

This is for a discussion board, One of the keys to overcoming nervousness is preparation. Assignment Instructions Make a list of the barriers to your own preparation process (e.g. I dont know how to use the library, or I have young children at home who make demands on my time).Having identified some of the things […]

6-1 Discussion: Make Your Case

In the Supreme Court case Miller v. Alabama (2012), the opinion of the court states: Mandatory life without parole for a juvenile precludes consideration of his chronological age and its landmark featuresamong them, immaturity, impetuosity, and failure to appreciate risks and consequences. Take a position. Do you believe that life without parole is an appropriate […]


Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Feasibility Analysis Assignment Instructions From “Preparing Effective Business Plans” by Bruce R. Barringer Although the Full Feasibility Analysis includes four sections, we will only focus on two of those sections in this week’s assignment. The written paper is to include only the Introduction and Industry/Market […]


301 Appendix: The Supply Chain Risk Assessment Tool 12,,.within. the. framework. of. an. enterprise-.wide. risk. management. approach.(ERM),,,.evaluate,.and.position.a.compa-ny’“spider.diagram”’, an. supply. chain. environment. A. graphical. illustration. of.the. heat. map. appeared. in. Chapter  2.. The. answers. to. these.’,,,.medium,.and.low.risk. hOW yOu Might utilize the tOOl,.perhaps.for.the.first.time,’,.the.tenets. are. leader.ship,. balance. scorecards,. sales. and. operations. planning.(S&OP). processes,. IT. systems,. […]

choose one drug class

  Choose a drug classification (Examples: Typical or Atypical Antipsychotics, Anxiolytics, SSRI, Tricyclic Antidepressants, MAOI, mood stabilizers, opiates, NSAIDs, etc.) that is discussed in Unit Six or Unit Seven in Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach textbook and then use your Davis’s Drug Guide or another SCHOLARLY source to provide the following information: Summary of […]

Psychology of humor

In this paper, you will analyze the theories and discussions of humor from Rod Martin’s text, The Psychology of Humor. Describe, in your own words, your understanding what we have studied in Rod Martin’s book, The Psychology of Humor.  Describe at least one or two ways the theories and research in Martin’s book applies to […]

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