
O R I G I N A L R E S E A R C H Psychological Distress Amongst Health Workers and the General Public During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Saudi ArabiaThis article was published in the following Dove Press journal: Risk Management and Healthcare Policy Mohammed Khaled Al-Hanawi1 Martin Limbikani Mwale2 Noor Alshareef1 Ameerah […]

micro discussion 04

There are many opinions on the need and/or importance of vaccines in preventing the spread of disease. Our children are required to get vaccinations before entering school, and healthcare workers must have them when working in environments where they can come into contact with bloodborne pathogens. In healthcare facilities, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis […]

Application of ethical theory, principles and legal in end of life and aging

the topic I want the paper done is on Aging and end of life. Need to follow APA 7 guidelines.  follow the attach Rubric by section, the paper need to be divided by sections there is an attach document with the section that need to be address along with the rubric is highlighted. also there […]

Term Paper Topic: Economic impact of the Internet Revolution in the Economy

Term Paper Topic: Economic impact of the Internet Revolution in the Economy ( Focus on the microeconomic impact) The paper is to be a minimum of 1200 words; double spaced; Times Roman 12 pt font. It is to be written using Microsoft Word in APA format documenting a minimum of five references. Please do your […]

1920s US history paper

1. Read and write. About the 1920s. (US HISTORY ) First, do some reading on the 20s. There are three links below you can chose from, and plenty of other sites.*Summary of the 20s,  https://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties/roaring-twenties-history *1920s: A Decade of Change at https://www.ncpedia.org/history/20th-Century/1920s *Overview of the 1920s, at https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/era.cfm?eraid=13&smtid=1

Topic 5 DQ 1 & Topic 5 DQ 2

5 DQ 1 *250 words and one cited source Research special education law advocates in your state. Describe a local organization that supports parents in working through due process. 5 DQ 2 *250 words and one cited source Based on feedback from your interviews in this topic, or overall in this course, what are two […]

violence in fairy tales

i need all three body paragraphs to go off of this introduction paragraph: {attention getter} The use of violence, throughout classic fairy tales, teaches children moral lessons, which contributes to a safer and educated culture. {explain the attention getter in 3-4 sentences} Violence in fairy tales can teach moral lessons because usually when a character […]


– The paper itself must use appropriate high-quality visual examples throughout, word processed/typeset in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, using 12pt. Times New Roman, on white 8 1/2 x 11 paper. – It must include a bibliography of at least two sources other than the Meggs textbook. (Meggs’ HIstory of Graphic Design) – The paper must be […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A. Please read chapter 14 and write an interview follow-up message (see example on page 468) B.Please read chapter 14 Interviewing and Following Up and choose one of the following questions to answer in 250 words or more: 1. Why do you think so many employers search for information about job applicants online using Google, […]

Case Analysis

Your paper should discuss the research topic: Parental Stress and Childhood Asthma. Include the following about the topic above:1. Epidemiology2. Current interventions3. Current resources and evidence-based information 4. What is important for nurse practitioners to know about this topic in practice and treatment of the patient?5. Evolving or developing information in the field. 6. Strategies […]

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