6051 W4 Assgn2

The election of the first Black president in 2008 and the first Black and South Asian vice president in 2020 may have appeared to some that the United States was a nation beyond race. But these events sit alongside many others that paint an entirely different picture: the killings of unarmed Black men; waves of […]

6051 WK4 Assgn1

People conceptualize their racial/ethnic identities and respond to inequalities in a variety of ways. Social workers must never make assumptions about a client based on experiences with other clients of the same group. Each has their own storytheir own thoughts, reactions, and coping mechanisms. So how do you access that story? How do you gather […]


Here is the test. Write your answers on a Word file and submit into Test 1 folder under Assignments. Part 1 (50 marks) Define and state significance for five (5) of the following terms. Each answer should be at least 3 FULL paragraphs in length. RealismIdealismOrientalismPost-StructuralismPost-ColonialismNeo-LiberalismImagined CommunitiesNationalismHistoriographySocial ConstructivismMarxist Theory of International RelationsSuez Crisis of 1956Cold […]

780 DB: Call to Lead and Develop other Leaders

Readings: Manning & Curtis: Chapters 8-9, 12-13 Read Merida: The Wise Fool 9:10-11:43, The Torn Kingdom 12:1-14:20. A Lamp in Jerusalem 14:21-16:34 Chapter 8: Leadership Authority Matthews 20:25-28 Evaluating a Competency Approach in Assessing Biblical Leadership Effectiveness (attached) After completing the reading assignments, post your initial response to the following points:    Reflect on a time […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Final Exam:You will write an essay interrogating the impact of AI, Geoengineering, the challenge of technology and / or the ontology of the virtual on peoples perception of the post-Covid19 world which has seen an acceleration in digital transformations across diverse sectors of industry and geographies. 

Managerial Accounting

CompetenciesIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Describe how managerial accounting supports management information systemsUtilize managerial accounting techniques and models to support an organizations strategic planExplain how managerial accounting is used to make decisions about short-term business opportunities, capital investments, and evaluating operational performanceScenarioYour business has been open for a […]

Risk Analysis Report “Phishing in a medical office”

Create a risk analysis report for a corporate medical company given these 2 scenarios 1. employee clicks phishing link and reports it and it is a real threat2. employee clicks phishing link and reports it and it is not a real threat the report should be structured based off details below You should provide a […]


Assignment: Final Project Milestone 4: Policy Alternative As an astute social worker and professional policy advocate, once you have selected and identified a social problem, you begin the process of creating and implementing a policy that addresses that social problem. One of the first things you do in the implementation process is an analysis of […]


Sexual Scripts Take a Minute… Think of a time when a significant other or a potential partner did something that put you off. Something small, nothing major or abusive, of course, but it just didn’t sit well with you. If you are not into romantic relationships, think of a friend’s story you may have heard. […]


Partin, William Clyde. 2019. Watch Me Pay: Twitch and the Cultural Economy of Surveillance. Surveillance & Society 17(1/2): 153-160. https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/index | ISSN: 1477-7487 © The author(s), 2019 | Licensed to the Surveillance Studies Network under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives license William Clyde Partin University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA [email protected] Abstract […]

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