How does the amount of time spent playing violent video games affect aggressive behavior in children?

Your research paper is the culminating critical exploration of your research question. Remember: inquiry + research = knowledge! (Badkes Chapter 1 reading, model for research on p. 26) In your paper you will: Introduce your research topic and questionSummarize and synthesize your sourcesAnalyze your sources in light of your research questionPresent your conclusions, findings, or […]


Nowadays, there is a shift going towards conservation of tooth structure during endodontic treatment and of course one of its pillars is the access cavity preparation. There is a direction going for more conservation of tooth structure which can affect the structural integrity of the tooth and affect the outcome of root canal treatment. Please […]

Work place legalities

Include a link of your news article along with the name of the news website, title of article, author, and date article was published. If you do not include a copy of your article with the required information on it, your assignment will not be accepted. Summary of article: Using your own words summarize the […]

The Geographics Europe

Paper needs to have a page for each theme; Location, Place, Movement, Human environment/interaction and Regions  location: where is it located?  place: whats it like there ? Human environment/interaction: what is the relationship between humans and their environment? Movement: how and why are places connected with one another? Regions: how and why is one area […]

The comparison and contrast of two public parks, one disabilities and one not.

For this discussion forum, post your topic for the comparison and contrast essay. Explain how you will address the topic, the basic points, and possible intro and conclusions. I will give you feedback on your information and approve your topic before you begin to write your rough draft. For this essay, list the points you […]

evaluate the arguments for and against the Constitution and analyze how those arguments from 200 years ago apply to the United States today.

Foundations of American Government Evaluate the arguments for and against the Constitution and analyze how those arguments from 200 years ago apply to the United States today.1.    Anti-Federalists vs. the Federalists Briefly define the competing interests of the federalists and anti-federalists. 2.    Identify and one argument of from each side stated in the video and […]

Social Theories

write a 1 page answer for each question of the following essay questions.  will take grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and the content of your answer, etc., into account when grading. Save all your answers into one document, and make sure to number the answers with the same number as the questions below.  Properly Cite and […]

Agencies that address mental health concerns

For this assignment, prepare an assessment of social service agencies that address the current social problem/issue you developed in Week 1 and Week 6 that are relevant to your community today. Develop a paper in which you indicate which agencies might be best equipped to work with individuals/families affected by the problem. Include examples to […]

Cities & Communities in the Global Economy

Urban Anthropology class 1. State the main topic 2. State conclusion of author 3. Identify 2 important points 4. Give one thought or comment after reading the article Article is attached below it is the second article in the attachment. “CITIES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY”from American Behavioral Scientist (1996) Saskia Sassen

Media Analysis

Sociology 201: Social ProblemsWriting Assignment: Media Analysis For this assignment you will pick one U.S social problem. You will then find at least three news sources and analyze how the social problem is constructed (what claims are being made) by those media sources. Note: this is not an opinion piece supported by media. This is […]

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