Explain and evaluate Humes treatment of cause and effect. (What is causation? How do we know about it? etc.)

Instructions: This essay should be a philosophy-type essay. The only source for this essay should be David Humes An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. The essay should be at least three total pages. The topic is:     Explain and evaluate Humes treatment of cause and effect. (What is causation? How do we know about it? etc.)

Compare and Contrasting the 1999 film, A Christmas Carol, with the 1991 classic story of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

You are to write a 2-page paper comparing and contrasting the 1999 film, A Christmas Carol, with the 1991 A Christmas CArol classic story by Charles Dickens. How does the approach to the story differ between the different media?Are there similarities?How do the techniques involved contribute to the overall effect of the story?

Any topic

Describe the effects of term limits on the California state legislature. In 2012 voters approved Prop 28, a modification to the term limits law for state legislators. What are some of the issues or concerns that Prop 28 is supposed to address that were raised by Prop 140, the original term limits law? Do you […]


Write a song or narrative poem (minimum of 800 words). no specific topic (freehand)instructions/examples given to us by the professor: Narrative poetry tells stories through verse. Like a novel or a short story, a narrative poem has plot, characters, and setting. Using a range of poetic techniques such as rhyme and meter, narrative poetry presents […]

Any topic

Analysis Paper You are to write an analysis paper that details the projected reasoning and anticipated problems of your final persuasive speech.  ( Including your final persuasive outline) Include in this analysis: What topic you have chosen and the merits of this topic for a persuasive speech. How you will adapt the information and the […]

Should the interstitium be classified as an orga

The project will consist of two parts: Part I consists of a critical essay answering the following question: Should the interstitium be classified as an organ? based on the findings of the research article by Benias et al Structure and Distribution of an Unrecognized Interstitium in Human Tissues, published in the journal Nature, on March […]

child maltreatment

This week, you will submit your Signature Assignment. Your professor has provided feedback on the Annotated Outline you prepared for Week 6 and this should assist you in completing your final paper. Begin by providing an overview of the social problem with which a social worker may be involved. As part of this overview, explain […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose any ONE of the following topics for your research paper.  It is not necessary to email me which topic you chose, but you must write about one of these topics from the list below:1. What caused European colonialism, who were the major colonial empires, and what was the impact of colonization on India, South […]

The Impact of Covid-19 affecting Homeless

This is an essay based on Homeless and how covid impacted homelessness more! How the percentages have increased! I will add some links that need to be use, if you any more links or know better links, add them I dont mind! Just make sure to do sourcing page ! Frederick, Candice. ‘Lost in America’ […]

The Impact of Borderless Society

PLEASE USE THE ATTACHED HANDOUT This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s): SC200-3: Employ appropriate scientific ideas and methods to everyday situations. Impacts of a Borderless Society You now live in a world where geographic boundaries cease to exist when it comes to goods, services, and even food. Most people think nothing of having freshly […]

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