Title is optional but make sure to discuss bias and analyze how an author shows bias in one of the texts.

A literary device must be discussed as its part of the prompt. The texts we used (including Blindspots can be found on StudySync). All you have to do is go to the EGUSD portal and login using – 99772823 (User) and D282301a (Password). From there, you click on McGrawHill then click Cal StudySync ELA with […]

Effective Altruism

1. Introduction [maximum 150 words]: Supply context and explain why the topic is interesting or important, give a concise explanation of how you will approach the issues, and establish your thesis.Thesis Statement You must include a single sentence that summarizes your position clearly and succinctly.  This should be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.  […]

EDM 402 Module 1 Case

You will be referring to the required readings, videos, and websites to address the assignments. Additionally, you can also research other professional sources available on the internet. Case AssignmentFrom the NIPP of 2013, what is meant by Partnership Structure? Give an example. Choose one of the 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors and comment on its Sector […]

The media should be restricted when reporting violent crime

The paper will be based on my three premises  as follows in orderPremises( 1)Relationship between crime news exposure and crime perceptions is influenced by what the media choose to include or exclude when reporting these crimesPremises(2.) Crime showed on television may trigger individuals to commit the same crime at other times as seen on television […]

Assignment #9, Liability and the Sale of Alcohol – Chapter 12

Review Questions #3 When a patron who  is visibly intoxicated continues to drink at two different licensees and then is in a two car accident injuring the driver of the second car, which licensee is liable to the driver of the second car? #4 Identify three strategies for limiting dram shop liability. #6 Identify five […]

Nursing research

Qualitative Research Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There is no required word count; be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are […]

Vegan Diet

Research paper on the vegan diet. I was thinking of how the vegan diet may be superior to all other diets in terms of nutritional value but you can decide the final topic. It does have to relate to health and also to the human body (obvious). I do also need an annotated bibliography of […]

Discussion 7-9

  WEEK 7 DISCUSSION – “Stare Decisis” and the “Judicial System” Please respond to the following:  Define and explain what personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction mean and how these terms are relevant to one who does business in different states.  What about a business that engages in international dealings, which court could the business be sued in […]

Applied Economice

1. Have you ever noticed that the grounds of city-owned parks are more polluted than those of country clubs? Is it simply because people who use parks are less concerned with pollution compared with those who golf? Is that even true?(b) Might the property-rights assignments have something to do with it? Who owns the city […]


Topic 1: National, organizational, and professional cultures must all be considered in a flight operations environment. Discuss how these types of culture can impact the effectiveness of CRM and experience you have had working with different cultures that you could compare with Hofstedes research on cultural differences.

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