Week Five Engineering Essay

In a 500-word essay demonstrating a robust comprehension of course content and an ability to engage that content, respond to the following prompt: Describe the relationship between the doctrine of Christology and soteriology. This assignment is an opportunity to present how you’re integrating and analyzing the material. You are encouraged to present your own thoughts […]

Scales of Measurement

Discussion Post Instructions: In one post, include the following information: 1. I would like each of you to choose a new measured variable in psychological science that you would be interested in investigating. Clearly identify your new measured variable in the first sentence or bullet point of your discussion post.  2 Briefly describe how you […]

Week Five Learning Log

In a 350-word log, describe the main point(s) of significance in the doctrine of soteriology. This is to be a brief summary of what you’ve learned to show comprehension of the material.  Remember to use APA formatting, double-spaced Times New Roman 12-point font, and save your assignment in Word using the following criteria to save […]

Week Four Discussion

Dr. Gaines asks Which of these [atonement] theories best describes the activity of God in Christ? Why? in his lecture Soteriology, the Work of Jesus Christ. Post your response to these questions. Post your thoughts in 300 to 350 words being sure to address the questions listed in the discussion prompt.

Internal Environmental Analysis: Vail Resorts, Inc. (NYSE: MTN)

* Vail Resorts, Inc. (NYSE:  MTN) Internal Environmental Analysis Purpose: This project is the third of four projects.  Students will perform an internal environmental analysis using the tools and concepts learned in the course to date.  You will also draw from previous business courses to develop an understanding of how organizations develop and manage strategies to […]

Week Five Devotion

Scripture: Psalm 27: 1-14 Reflection:What images or phrases stand out to you in this passage?What does this psalm do to your understanding of Gods salvation?How does this psalm shape the way we approach doing theology and ministry?

Week Four Confession

In the mode of Augustines Confessions, write an approximately 250-word prayer of confession honestly acknowledging the way this weeks learning has shaped and formed your understanding of Christian theology and its implications for ministry. Use the following as an example: Dear Lord, the more that is revealed to me of your nature and your actions, […]

Week Four Learning Log

In a 350-word log, describe the main point(s) of significance in the doctrine of Christology. This is to be a brief summary of what you’ve learned to show comprehension of the material.  Remember to use APA formatting, double-spaced Times New Roman 12-point font, and save your assignment in Word using the following criteria to save […]

Westward Expansion

paperDexter Melton <[email protected]>Tue 2/18/2020 1:35 PM This assignment is a think piece, which is an essay that requires you to interact with a subject and develop your own interpretation based on that experience.  After your initial analysis of a specific topic, you should synthesize that with other outside research to support your ideas.  You should […]

Week Four Discussion

In Dr. Gaines lecture Christology and Christological Heresies he asks, How do you see the Christological heresies still working today? How are they still shaping our theological imagination? What implications for salvation does this approach to Christology have? Post your response to these questions. Post your thoughts in 300 to 350 words being sure to […]

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