Week Six Confession

In the mode of Augustines Confessions, write an approximately 250-word prayer of confession honestly acknowledging the way this weeks learning has shaped and formed your understanding of Christian theology and its implications for ministry. Use the following as an example: Dear Lord, the more that is revealed to me of your nature and your actions, […]

Week Six Engineering Essay

In a 500-word essay demonstrating a robust comprehension of course content and an ability to engage that content, respond to the following prompt: Describe the relationship between the doctrine of creation and the doctrine of eschatology. This assignment is an opportunity to present how you’re integrating and analyzing the material. You are encouraged to present […]

Week Six Learning Log

In a 350-word log, describe the main point(s) of significance in the doctrine of ecclesiology. This is to be a brief summary of what you’ve learned to show comprehension of the material.  Remember to use APA formatting, double-spaced Times New Roman 12-point font, and save your assignment in Word using the following criteria to save […]

Week Six Discussion

In Dr. Gaines video lecture 6.1 he asks, How does this content shape the way Christian ministry is conducted? What are its implications for the purpose and outcome of ministry? What do you think the theological difference is between going to church and being the church? What do you think the theological difference is between […]

Chief Executives office Law Enforcement

The responsibility of implementing any community-policing effort lies with the Chief Executive office of the law enforcement agency. Many of these community policing efforts have to do with violence in low income areas. Navigate to kansascitynova.org and review the material provided by the organization. Using peer reviewed articles and other professional publications including local newspapers, […]

theatrical productions of the taming of the shrew

Please write a 3-5 page paper on theatrical productions of The Taming of the Shrew.  What are the challenges in staging the play in modern times? Consider the changes in casting, setting, and script and what these changes represent. First–watch on youtube the LATV3 presentation of The Taming of the Shrew.  Compare this production to […]

Week 2

1. Discussion Question : 1 Page  ( review video links for discussion) 2. Reflective Writing : 1-2 Pages ( use Chapter 1-4 for writing (attached))  3. Case Study : 1 page ( see attached questions) Due Wednesday 1/22/20 @ 9am EST 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assume that as a music reporter for a newspaper you have the opportunity to interview a Baroque composer for an article you are writing. Choose a composer from the Baroque period.Name the composer in your post.Listen to two compositions written by that composer. Name the compositions in your post. (Note: You may choose a composer […]

Social Class, Poverty, and the Family

Step 1: Create a budget (use Family Profile #5 under additional materials)First, create a complete and exhaustive budget of all the expenses this family would incur throughout a typical month. The budget can be created in any format you wish, but it must be well organized, comprehensive, and straightforward. Use the Cost of Living sheets […]

Facial Expressions

A lot of our information is gleaned from facial expressions. Our first impressions are often formed based on facial expressions. This should be an interesting Forum. 1. Select a photo of two people interacting (can be from the Internet or your own collection) and upload it to the Forum. You must upload the photo to […]

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