Any topic (writer’s choice)

Forum Question: Choose one principle from the American Anthropological Association’s Code of Ethics and apply it to a potential/actual challenge you learned about in the course materials so far. Forum Question: Identify an archaeology character from popular media.  How does the portrayal of their research fit with what we learned about archaeological research this week?

Digital Marketing Paper

Write a 2 page paper on the following below: 1. After watching Bryan Phelps Introduction to Google Analytics Expert Session, select any retail-oriented website and analyze how 2 of the analytics concepts (not specific metrics) discussed in that expert session could be used for analytics purposes for that website.  Provide a link to the website. […]


Janet, a 20 year-old college student, is experiencing a five-week history of itchy eyes and nasal congestion with watery nasal discharge. She also complains of a tickling cough, especially at night, and she has had episodes of repetitive sneezing. Janet gets frequent colds every spring and fall. Physical Examination Vital Signs: Temp, 98.8; BP 110/68; […]

Layoffs in the Public Sector

In this exercise, your group should assume the role of the Human Resources Generalists who are responsible for providing advice and human resources support to the Office of Philanthropy at Santa Anita State University. The VP of Marketing and the Director of the Special Communications team have asked your group to provide them with a […]

Discussion: Positive Regard

  Carl Rogers, a humanistic psychologist, believed that individuals must feel accepted for who they are in order to have a high level of self-worth (Farber & Doolin, 2011). Rogers coined the term positive regard to explain this concept of feeling accepted. Also, he believed that positive regard is essential to personal growth and self-actualization. […]

Strategic Marketing Paper

Write a 3 page paper on the following question below: In this assignment we look at segmentation and minorities in the United States. To begin, please do some internet research on the California Milk Producers and the Got Milk marketing campaign. Consider the three major minority groups in the USA: Hispanic Americans, African Americans and […]

Assignment 1: Creating a Culture of Innovation

Imagine you are creating a new and innovative technology company. In this assignment, consider the culture, management, and leadership of your organization. Remember that your company should be a place that people want to work. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: Describe the characteristics of the people you would want working […]

Outline of Movements in Art

this week you will examine the five movements listed below. In your paper, outline the following information for each of the five movements: Include the name and time period of the movement. Describe the movement, including unique key characteristics. Identify two works of art that incorporate the significant characteristics of the time period.  Include the […]

Essay bus322

Choose 1 company that you believe would be an ideal company to work for based on working conditions, salary, opportunity for advancement and work involved. Go to to research.  Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Evaluate the fundamental driving forces that shape the organizational environment of the selected company. Be […]

Art Journal Week 3

Contemplate the work of art, and discuss your interpretation of the art based on the characteristics of the corresponding movement in your art journal entry. Pay close attention to style, media (materials), methods, subjects, and any other details that make this work significant, using appropriate art terminology and taking care to correctly cite information that […]

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