Social Studies

Choose a social issue affecting life in the 21st century. Your job is to analyze the issue and its impact on society. Where did this problem start? What are the factors contributing to the problem? Can this problem be solved? Do you have a solution? Support your arguments using reputable websites (.gov, .org, .edu,), books, […]

Reflective Paper on Socialization

For this assignment, you are being asked to reflect on your socialization process. Choose one of the following agents/institutions of socialization and write a reflective paper analyzing your experience of socialization through this institution: Family Peers Education Media Religion (Catholic) Specifically, the following elements must be addressed in one cohesive paper, not an outline not […]

Law paper

Same book as last one. EXAM QUESTIONSChapter 5: (minimum 500 words)In chapter 5, the authors explain that when EPA set the NAAQS for lead, it did not set a standard that would protect the most vulnerable populationinner-city children who already had high blood levels of lead from paint and other sources. Explain this situation in […]

Marketing Exam

This exam covers material from Class. To complete the exam, respond to the three essay-response items presented. Each item is worth 33 points (you receive one bonus point for completing the exam). Your responses may be based upon any of the material covered in the course, as well as any outside-of-class material that you believe […]

I will attach a document down below all I want you to do is read the info included and answer the questions down below based on whats said. After answering the 5 questions. Underneath Write  about 300-400 words (2-3 paragraphs) regarding how effective parliament is at legislating. Make sure its thorough and detailed.

“1994” Poetry Explication

Prompt 1: (Instructions are “Poetry Explication.doc”) Analyze 1994 by Lucille Clifton (Poem is attached). Start off the essay with a good hook (maybe a quote from a cancer survivor). This is a good example CONSIDER THESE THREE QUESTIONS: – What is the poem about? – What poetic elements (imagery, rhyme pattern, symbols, etc) is […]

how we are going to fix our current situation with hybrid learning during this pandemic.

The prompt is essentially you telling me how we are going to fix our current situation with hybrid learning during this pandemic. It’s no secret that the way things are right now is not pleasant for a lot of folks, both teachers and students alike. So what do we do??? Please compose a standard, traditional, […]

Marketing Research with SPSS

Hi I need the questions answered on first page of pdf based on the numbers in the picture. I am trying to upload a better document with the numbers. this is on the spss system I mentioned to you in the last order you did for me

Article Analysis Presentation

Develop a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to brief the class on your selected article. Include the following: A properly formatted title pageAn agenda for your presentationAn outline of the purpose or focus of the articleAn evaluation of the ethical issues presented in the articleAn explanation of the conclusions drawn by the article and […]

Is William Golding saying that humanity is doomed in lord of the flies?

This paper should be persuasive, answering the following question: Is William Golding saying that humanity is doomed? You will use the traditional essay format, but this essay cannot be 5 paragraphs.  The paper should have a clear, arguable thesis statement that is bolstered by each of your main paragraph topics, examples and quotes.  This is […]

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