coronavirus or climate change

kindly, use simple workds but effective Here is the final project. It has four parts but nothing you have not seen before. It will look like a lot because there are certain instructions.Part 1: SummaryPart 2: Three quick questionsPart 3: Comparing two PSAs of your choice for logos, pathos OR ethos.Part 4: Personal response […]

Supply Chain Negotiation

Key AssignmentThe chief operations officer (COO) reviewed your negotiation strategy planning template and decided that you and your team are ready to brief the chief executive officer (CEO). He would like you to review the negotiation scenario with your team and prepare a PowerPoint presentation to the CEO for final approval.Negotiation ScenarioIntroductionThis scenario provides the […]

Discussion Question

1.    Discussion question for Week 5.  I want you to write a Discussion about compensation and benefits.  Assume you are Vice President of Human Resources for a nonprofit human services organization.  I want you to write a 300-word summary of the compensation and benefits plan that you would like to offer employees.  What forms will […]

financial Ratios and growth rates

Analyze annual financial statements for (at least) the past five years and quarterly statements for the most recent four quarters. This should include financial ratios and growth rates. . How does your firm compare to its major competitors? Company: Chipotle and competitors Pollo Loco and Del Taco I need to calculate the following ratios:Internal Liquidity […]

Discussion 5

In the previous units, you learned about how to conduct research using library databases. Using what you learned about conducting research, what sort of topics did you begin searching for? How did you narrow down your choices from your broader ideas to something more suited to a 15 page paper? (Note: You are responsible for […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You must do one of the following projects. Each project involves creating digital content (a video or audio file); posting it on the internet; and writing a reflection paper of at least 700 words. After you finish your project, you will enter the forum below and submit the URL to the content you created and […]

Assigment 2

 Complete each note taking CHAPTER for “Professor”. You may need to use more than one page template provided in the attachment for note taking depending on the the length of notes. For note taking for each chapter, include key moments of nuance and key details of the chapter. All notes must be bulleted.        For […]

Business Law Case Paper

Remember to have at least nine different sources. And dont overlook the information in the syllabus on pages 9-11;15 about being thorough in the citations (footnotes) and, more generally, a number of writing tips. Also, the grading rubric and information on the word count and plagiarism are on page 11 of the syllabus. Overall, your […]

US Versus GDPR

  The EUs new  (GDPR) came into effect on 25 May 2018 and has wide-ranging consequences on a global scale.  It affects, any and all organizations trading with the European Union, both inside and outside its borders. In the United States, as seen in this and other chapters, there are a number of regulations in place […]

Trigger function execution

Your assignment is to create a page that will convert four ranges of miles to kilometers. The ranges are 1-50, 51-100, 101-150, and 151 to 200. The page and tables are to be fully styled. The table rows are to be of an alternating color scheme for readability purposes. The conversions are to be implemented […]

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