Assignment: Whats Really Going On

Graphs are a useful tool in presenting and analyzing data. Graphical analysis can help present trends, determine dependent vs. independent variables, and recognize big patterns that may exist in the data. In this assignment, you will review some basic statistical concepts and then use graphical analysis to determine what useful information exists within the data. The […]

Social Engineering Training

 For the past 7 weeks we have discussed the various tools, techniques, and psychological aspects used by professional social engineers.  This week we need to put it all together and share what you have learned.  As a Security Consultant for Grantham University, you have been tasked with training the staff on how to recognize and […]

Discussion: Application to My ADP

Reflection is a key element of becoming a lifelong learner. Reflection involves critically assessing your own actions and experiences to determine what you can learn from the past. Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to: Examine tools for suitability for research. Background Information Reflection is a key element of becoming a […]

Essay: Epistemology Assignment

Define epistemology and describe the 3 models of how certain we are that our perceptions mirror reality. Which position do you hold, and why? What are the different methods of knowing (see Entwistle chapter 5)? What are the limitations of these (or any) methods of knowing? What methods of knowing are appropriate for Christians, and […]

Assignment: Is There a Difference? Web Page

The whole purpose of statistical testing is to better understand the population. In this workshop, you will learn how to develop confidence limits. These confidence limits will give you the range within which the true value of your variable lies in the population. The higher the desired confidence (i.e. lower the chance of being wrong), […]

Discussion: Hypothesis Testing

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:6 The promises of God are yes and amen. Through Christ, the storehouses of heaven are ours. By faith, we can take hold of the throne of Grace. We […]

Python GUI, Tkinter

This is task to create a maze runner game using Tkinter. As I will be running it in auto grader I want the code’s to be as it is said in the a3.pdf following every guideline with Inline comments that all significant blocks of code should have a comment to explain how the logic works, […]

Benchmark – Application of Theory

  Educators are required to thoughtfully plan for instruction that considers the individual learning preferences in the classroom. Educators work to meet individual learning needs as they serve the students. Aligning a learning theory to instructional planning demonstrates purpose and commitment to the learning process. Behaviorism, Connectivism and Sociocultural learning theories.   Include the following: Brief […]

APA Assignment

  Part A: In the paragraph below there are 3 direct quotes and/or paraphrases, rewrite the paragraph in correct APA format. The day has come for the patient to see the nurse practitioner prior to his trip abroad. By having a pretravel assessment at least 6 weeks before departure, the provider may assess the timing, […]

organization theory and Management Base on the Zappos does it with Humor case (link upward) —What traits of effective leadership does Tony Hsieh demonstrate at Zappos? What aspects of his leadership can you criticize, if any? Is his approach transferable to other leaders and other organizations, or is it person and situation specific?

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