Compare and contrast

Each group or individual will choose a city within the United States (excluding the LA, NYC, Miami, and Chicago) and give a multimedia presentation for at least one hour comparing and contrasting the relations between Blacks/African Americans and Latinos.    Some of the issues can be political coalition and disagreement, residential segregation and changing demographics, […]

effective leader throughout history

For this assignment, you are required to choose a renowned, well-known and highly effective leader throughout history.  You will then conduct research and analyze their leadership through the lens of the leadership dimensions that we have covered in the course.  You will research and write your analysis in the form of an analytical report using […]


From professor: When I began my research on medical cannabis in the summer of 2008, I was determined to step out beyond my ‘comfort zone’, to challenge my assumptions and initial skepticism about medical cannabis. I have done this by traveling to medical cannabis states and doing all different kinds of research. While my favorite […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion prompt:Come up with 5 meaningful questions that represent key concepts or ideas covered in the reading. Choose three of your questions and answer them yourself. Each answer should be about 150 words. So make sure your questions are open-ended and substantial enough to require that many words. Find a news story that is relevant […]


Topic: Describe Blumers theory of group position. Apply the theory to explain the existence of prejudice against one or more groups in society today. Word count: 450-500 Use the following source: Social Psychology: Sociological Perspectives, 3rd ed., by David E. Rohall, Melissa A. Milkie, & Jeffrey W. Lucas

Research a role in relation to the current labour market analysis for those who have graduated with your degree/Assess the link between how your awareness of work has informed your knowledge of HR practices/ Evaluate your current skills and skills

Portfolio Report Outline Section 1         Introduction 1.1 Introduce your degree and its position in the current labour market.1.2 Identify where you would like to spend your year in Industry 1.3 State how your Placement will help you to gain a graduate level role on graduation Section 2         Employer Branding and Your […]

Reflection Paper – Risky Business Content Reflection requires thoughtful and persistent inquiry. You need to interrogate your own assumptions and knowledge to deepen your analysis and focus your assessment of the video lecture. Assess the content within the video(s): 1. What is the main point? How is it developed? Identify the purpose, impact and/or theoretical framework of the text. […]

dia de los muertos origin and traditons

need at least 10 paragraphs 2 per citation with at least 8 sentences long first 3 sentences need to discussWhat is the main, or most significant idea of this source? What is the author trying to do (purpose)? Who do you think is the authors intended audience? Second paragraph needs to discuss What parts of […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

07/2020 psl 1HLTK 1500Health Care Topic Paper Assignment and RubricYou may write a paper on any topic of interest that pertains to any of the content in thisclass. The paper must be original for this course and written in your own words. I check allpapers for plagiarism and submissions to previous courses. You may go […]

School Lunch Makeover

Students today are not eating a proper diet, especially in the school cafeteria. Your challenge is to design a school lunch menu for one school week that would be appealing yet nutritionally sound for children. You should include drinks, main courses, side dishes, snacks and desserts. Make sure that you offer a variety of choices, […]

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