Jewish Latinidad: Race, Religion, and U.S.-Mexico Border

Critical Response Paper   You will write four, 2-3 pages, 1.5-spaced, critical response papers throughout the quarter.   Papers should respond to the themes, concepts, and questions illuminated through the weeks lectures and readings.  Responses must incorporate at least 1 secondary source and 1 primary source from the weeks assigned readings. Papers may include connections […]

Elementary Mathematics Methods

Part One: Manipulatives A. Identify four hands-on mathematical manipulatives appropriate for elementary-age students. 1. Describe one classroom use for each of the four hands-on manipulatives. 2. Discuss one advantage of each of the four hands-on manipulatives. 3. Discuss one disadvantage of each of the four hands-on manipulatives. B. Identify four virtual mathematical manipulatives appropriate for […]

human resources

Identify a topic related to human resources or labor relations of interest to you (ie., retaining millenials, executive compensation, future of labor movement, right to work, webinars, telecommuting, etc.).  Conduct a very brief review of research and writing by experts (3-4 sources) being done on the topic using the internet and online library search engines. […]

Aims and methods of the imperialist great power the German Empire

1. approx. 1.5 A4 pages for the description of the colonial power and its objectives (geographic andpolitical)2. about 1.5 A4 pages for the description and interpretation of the caricature 1. present the colonial power assigned to you in a continuous text Answer inthis part at least the following guiding questions:a) What goals and interests did […]

video discussion

I want you to write your opinion on the respond discussion post about the video attached below, clearly state your opinion either you agree or disagree with the post, the attached docs file have the response post along with the video topic. Just remember that I only want you to discuss your opinion on the […]

Organization and Team Culture Reflection Paper

We touched on the idea of organization and team culture in our lecture: culture being behavior resulting from the values and beliefs of the people. Please write a reflection paper addressing the following questions: 1. Define culture in your own words.2. How would you co-create a culture with a team you just inherited? With a […]

Case Study on aquatic issues.

Assignment Instructions:  Case Study on aquatic issues. Choose sea level rise, fisheries management, or marine protected areas and prepare a case study of the economic benefits and costs of your chosen topic, using real-world examples. Remember to use the provided EVSP201 Case Study Template. Your case study must show depth, detail, and reference to the […]


It is important to understand what information systems are and why they are essential for running and managing a business. It is also important to understand the different systems that support different groups or levels of management. In addition, digital technology and the Internet play a key role in executing major business processes in the […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Face-to-face communication is especially important early in a project to foster team building, develop good working relationships, and establish mutual expectations. Communication with other team members and the project manager should be timely. Write a two-page APA-formatted paper discussing why verbal communication is important to project success, and describe several ways of enhancing such communication.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Unit V Article Critique Lockout/Tagout Choose a journal article from the CSU Online Library that addresses some aspect of lockout/tagout. The article itself must be more than one page in length. The EBSCO Database (Business Source Complete) is a good source of journals for safety related articles. The Article Critique must include the following components: […]

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