Ethics in Counterintelligence

After reviewing Lesson eight, and the required reading and video for the week, discuss a national security or military counterintelligence case or mission, law enforcement sting operation, or case of corporate espionage within the context of offensive and/or defensive principles. Describe the setting of the mission, actors (agency and opponent), historical factors and considerations, phases […]


A thorough and complete response to each item must demonstrate thatyou are able to:    Discuss    Analyze    Synthesize    Evaluate the theories of concern.  Your responses need to include an explanation of your position and why or why not you agree or disagree. 1.    Explain Sartre’s distinction between being in-itself and being for-itself.  In your response include […]

h. Writ report to the management (manufacturer) on automobile demand and automobile characteristics.

Manufacturer    Price    Highway_MPG    AirBags    Number_of_cylinders    Engine_size    Horsepower    Manual    Fuel_Tank_Capacity    Passenger_Capacity the last question in the word file

h. Writ report to the management (manufacturer) on automobile demand and automobile characteristics.

Manufacturer    Price    Highway_MPG    AirBags    Number_of_cylinders    Engine_size    Horsepower    Manual    Fuel_Tank_Capacity    Passenger_Capacity the last question in the word file


Review the Assignments for this course, accessed by clicking on the Assignment tab at the top of your screen, and then selecting each Unit# – Assignment, reviewing the description, type, and deliverables. What questions do you have about these assignments in Units 1 – 4? What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write 10 page resource paper. Deadline April 26th HEALTH RESOURCES/REFERRALS KIT PROJECT ( Handout for the final one day training design)Training TOPIC: Alcohol abuse preventionTarget Audience :ParentsINTRUCTIONS:1. If you were a health educator, counselor or other health professional and a client, consumer or other person in need came to you with a health problem, […]


Write an opinion essay. You will select students in elementary school should switch classes for for different subjects or students in elementary school should not switch classes for different subjects as your thesis statement and all three reasons. Make sure your elaboration connects with your reasons

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read The Wall Street Journal article Samsungs New Challenge: Rising Component Costs, and the Business Insider article Samsung Introduced 10 Times as Many Phones as Apple Last Year, but Its Mobile Division Made

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read The Wall Street Journal article Samsungs New Challenge: Rising Component Costs, and the Business Insider article Samsung Introduced 10 Times as Many Phones as Apple Last Year, but Its Mobile Division Made Half as Much Revenue (Links to an external site.).In a three- to four-page paper (not […]

Treatment facility presentation

Create a promotional presentation (video,slide show, other) for a new treatment facility in your town. The names and specifics can be fictitious, but the general feel of overall operations and treatment interventions must be based on best practices and research. The idea is you use the readings and some additional research to conceptualize what kind […]


Model a C ++ class that manages a collection of complex numbers defined by the attributes: length of type int, a pointer of numeric type (int, float, double) for an array with the real part of the complex numbers and a similar one for the imaginary part.The class will contain a constructor no parameter that […]

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