
Respond to TWO of the questions below in two well-written essays. Demonstrate your understanding by using your own words and ideas, not simply copying language from the text. Each response must consist of AT LEAST ONE FULL PAGE. Upload BOTH responses (in one document) to the Midterm Essay folder in Assignments. Outside of paper length, […]

article discussion

Take a look at the video on CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/21/investing/kraft-heinz-sec-investigation/index.html and the article (attached) from the NY Times. REQUIRED:1. Write me a comment on the news in the context of –  How does this affect you, the consumer.  How does it affect you if you were an investor.  2. Point out some terms/concepts that we have […]

assignment 3

For this activity, you will be addressing gender norms and issues.  For the statements that apply to the gender you identify as, discuss, deny, or defend the statement and offer support (For example [and you dont have to answer each of these], what has been your experience with each of these ideas? How have they […]

video response

Watch the film Miss Representation on Kanopy. [https://neiu.kanopy.com/video/miss-representation-0]. After you watch the movie, relate what youve seen to what youve read in your textbook, and ideas weve discussed in class. Consider such elements as how gatekeepers are responsible for the view of women presented by the media; how the under-representation of women, and other groups, […]

Functional Area Paper

For this paper, you are going to expand on one of the discussion forums that you have already written. You will choose one of the topics from discussion forums 1-4 and elaborate on the current trend in this area. Your paper should include an introduction of the topic that includes a historical definition based on […]

Pattern Recognition

I need you to write a paper on Pattern Recognition for the poem “I  hear America singing” by Walt Whitman. It must be min. 750 words and 5 paragraphs. Paragraph 1 is intro. Paragraphs 2-4 is evidence of pattern recognition using a quote in each paragraph. Paragraph 5 is conclusion.


This final synthesis is to be no more than five to seven pages in length. You may draw upon all of the sources used during this leadership class.  It is important for you to consider the literature, your own understanding and vision of leadership, as well as your perspectives on organizations. You may write about […]

Behavior analysis

For each of the following scenarios, write a response that includes an operational definition of the behavior being addressed, a clear description of an extinction procedure, other principles of behavior analysis that you might use in conjunction with extinction, any questions you might ask the parents/caregivers in this situation, and special considerations you might have […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your Life Skills – Research Assignment  relates to chapters 13 (Money and the Financial System), and 14 (Banking and the Money Supply), 15 (Monetary Theory and Policy), 18 (International Finance) respectively. You will be answerring questions related to the Financial System and Money Supply, Interest Rates, Trade Balance and Foreign Exchange Rates.  Your assignment is […]


Please answer Questions 1, 2 and 3. These questions are designed to be broad enough to permit more than one single right answer and reasoned disagreement with course material is always permitted.  Analysis and use of class materials count!  I want to know how you think and how you synthesize the course materials. 1.    Using […]

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