Based on the required readings of our course, Lecture Posts and discussions so far: Write an essay discussing the evolution of income inequality in the world, covering issues that have led to increases and decreases in inequality within and between countries in at least the last 200 years (approximately since the Industrial Revolution). In your […]

The five pillars of Islam

Topic MUST be THE FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM Essay 1. Choose one of the world religions listed in the course outline and prepare an 8-10 pageessay on one aspect of the religion. 2. A good place to begin is Eliade, Mircea and Ioan P. Couliano with Hillary S. Wiesner. TheEliade Guide to World Religions. San […]

Rare diseases caused by mutations

Dr. Nora Yang is Senior Scientist for the Rare Diseases unit at the National Institutes of Health and she leads research efforts on treatments for these diseases. She has published a number of recent papers describing efforts to develop “gene therapy” treatments for diseases, like muscular dystrophy. 1) Please read a brief biography for Dr. […]

Health Care

Case: As a health professional at MoH during the influenza outbreak, you have been asked to educate the community about the outbreak as well as means for preventing the flu.Your Role: As Country Health Department Expert.Discussion post: Respond to each of the questions supporting with scholarly resources and citations – APA 7th referencing.1.    Define and […]

– Global Business Week 9

Assignment Content Review the following Case Study taken from your text, and answer the critical thinking questions that follow. Subaru’s Sales Boom Thanks to the Weaker YenFor the Japanese carmaker Subaru, a sharp fall in the value of yen against the U.S. dollar has turned a problemthe lack of U.S. productioninto an unexpected sales boom. […]

Legal Environment of Mexico

Legal Environment    This is different than  the Political system.    What kind of regulations do people and businesses have to deal with?    Are legal rules strict? Regulations restrictive?    What is the court system like?    Is there fairness or corruption in the system?     Think of both criminal and civil issues that might apply to people and […]

Choose One

Parents have numerous decisions to make when raising a child. As an early childhood educator, you may encounter families who have views that are different from your own. Select a topic of choice for parents and discuss the positives and negatives of that choice. Suggestions for topics include, but are not limited to:

Employee Rewards and Recognition

Employee Rewards and Recognition As an HR manager in a large healthcare organization, you have developed a new reward and recognition program designed to help increase employee motivation and job satisfaction in a specific hospital department of your choice. You may choose a clinical or nonclinical department. Based on the course readings and a minimum […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Requires the student to conduct an organizational assessment (SWOT) at the immersion site to includeidentification of stakeholders/committees, available resources, policies and procedures, define the scope ofthe project, and identify a conceptual framework or theoretical underpinning to guide the project.The assignment should be organized by the following 4 sections:1. Primary DNP Project Goal: Describe the current […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Deliverable 2: Literature Review This assignment requires the student to identify, retrieve, summarize, and synthesize relevant literature focused on the PICO clinical question/purpose. It is anticipated that the literature review findings will be used by the DNP Project Team to focus the DNP Project. The document should be organized with subheadings and tables that can […]

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