NUR 3178 – Assignment #1

Create a power-point presentation (5 slides) about the remedy belladonna. Please include how you took the remedy and its effectiveness. The power-point must be inviting enough to make others want to try the product. The presentation should also address any side effects or contraindications. 5. Research the remedy and provide evidence to support its effectiveness. […]

Case study

examining the case of Netflix and Blockbuster. You will examine the reasons why Netflix thrived, and blockbuster declined during a period of technological transition. It is crucial to utilize course material to show your understanding of the change processes needed for successful transitions.

primarily your writing but also analyzes passages from the novel and uses the required critical sources

Task = Write 6-to-8-page that explores how Victorian period morality in England is reflected in the duality of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. You are required to use a minimum of the five outside sources I have provided. Do not use any other outside sources.  Do not use I or you. Make sure that you […]


4 pages double spaced on the song below 1. Lyrics: What is the song trying to say? How does it say it?  2. Artist: Who is the artist? Tell us about them. 3. Production: Describe the production. Look at the musicality of the song. How does it affect the narrative? 4. Personal connection: What is your connection to the song? What impact does it have on […]

Ethical Issues

Find an IT organisation, case study, of your choice. For the organisation write 2-3 paragraphs for each of the following:    What is GDPR and how it is implemented in EU?    How does the organisation implement the GDPR?    What security measures does the organisation employ to safeguard personal data?    How does the organisation address the issue […]

research and report the advantages (benefits)or disadvantages that the APPLE and IBM alliance brings to each partner firm

for this essay, you need to really do the research and using some academic or marketing report resources to support your writing. The paper should be in detail and convincing. This is actually a group project, however, you are only required to research and report the advantages (benefits) or disadvantages that this alliance brings to […]


I don’t only need a finished article. I would need you to write more: my professor also gave me an assignment of composing a thesis statement and an assignment of constructing an outline of argument. I will provide you with the materials after I accept your offer. I don’t want to provide the materials now […]

Developing Policy Stock Issues and Stock Issue Attacks

The 1st document is the outline of the assignment, so you can write arguments in there.I am also including samples of affirmative and negative outlines for a review. Here are full instructions of the assignment: This assignment is designed to assess your skill at developing a complete logical outline of appropriate claims to constitute a […]

Reading Journal 8

All the instructions are well demonstrated in the files which I uploaded. Please BE ADVISED to carefully and closely look over all the materials (Instruction, Grading Rubric, The Sample Journal, and etc.) before starting the task to have a general idea for what to expect of this assignment, as the grader for this assignment can […]

Topic A or B

  Pick ONE of these topics. A or B; not both: A.  What current product or service sold in California needs more regulation? Why? B.  Research the Cap & Trade carbon emission programs. Do you support them or not? Why? Take ONE position. I want your position and opinion NOT an analysis of pro vs. […]

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