about data visualization

Find and post one visualization you have seen in your industry (a link to the visualization if it is online is fine). Then describe what the visualization is trying to communicate and the audience of the visualization. In response to at least two of your classmate’s posted visualization, comment on its effectiveness and why you […]

about data visualization

Find and post one visualization you have seen in your industry (a link to the visualization if it is online is fine). Then describe what the visualization is trying to communicate and the audience of the visualization. In response to at least two of your classmate’s posted visualization, comment on its effectiveness and why you […]

Class Project

I need to achieve an A in this course as it is very important for my next courses. This project is one of the main parts of the entire grade. Also I am a full-time student so please dont charge ridiculous amount of money. My range is up to $300. PROJECT DETAILS: Please choose a […]

Class Project

I need to achieve an A in this course as it is very important for my next courses. This project is one of the main parts of the entire grade. Also I am a full-time student so please dont charge ridiculous amount of money. My range is up to $300. PROJECT DETAILS: Please choose a […]

investment project

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the statistical and portfolio concepts provided in thebook and discussed in class to compute and compare the returns and the relationships among thethree stocks you selected in Project #1.The requirements for this project are:1. Collect prices for (a) each stock you selected in Project #1, (b) the […]

investment project

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the statistical and portfolio concepts provided in thebook and discussed in class to compute and compare the returns and the relationships among thethree stocks you selected in Project #1.The requirements for this project are:1. Collect prices for (a) each stock you selected in Project #1, (b) the […]

Week 7 – Assignment: Reflecting on Multicultural Education

InstructionsYour written reflection for this class will be a critical reflection on how and what you will take with you, in terms of multicultural education, when you leave this class. The first part of your paper will include your Multicultural Education Plan of Action (answer the questions below).The second part of your paper will include […]

Office Supply Store Data Analysis

An office supply store tests a telemarketing campaign to its existing business customers. The company targeted approximately 16,000 customers for the campaign. Assume you are a consultant brought on board to help the company leverage and use the findings from the tests to its advantage. Refer to the accompanying spreadsheet, which contain the results of […]

Mobile System Security and the Home Front

READING MATERIAL Joseph Migga Kizza, Guide to Computer Network Security (4th Edition):    o  Chapter 23: Mobile Systems and Corresponding Security Issues    o  Chapter 24: Conquering the Last Frontier: The Home Front ARTICLE Android Security Concerns That Scare IThttps://www.informationweek.com/mobile/8-android-security-concerns-that-should-scare-it/d/d-id/1319412?image_number=8 ASSIGNMENT 1 – Enterprise Mobile Security Policy(1 – page) Use this weeks reading material and […]

‘Ogilvy on Advertising’ Book Report

Please include written discussion on the following elements in your book reports/papers. 1. Please briefly mention the overall premise of the book, why it was written, and to whom it was written – This should take about 250-275 words 2. Introduction of the author(s). This is a synopsis of his/her current career status and what […]

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