Audience Segmentation, Customer profile

Project OverviewIn this project, you will complete a customer profile. In your customer profile, you will focus on a target audience and use data to determine the audiences needs. You will also describe how you segmented your audience to help inform your stakeholders about who the customer is. Additionally, you will consider a messaging strategy […]

Buddhism, response to the novel: Siddhartha by Herman Hess

-Read the short novel: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. Compose a 3-5 page response keying in on 8-10 quotes that sum up the main ideas of the novel. Provide the quotes and be sure to fully explain why you chose them and how they relate to Buddhism.-Direct quotations over three typed lines long should be single-spaced […]

nursing Practice

Title of AssignmentProfessional Identity of the Nurse: Scope of Nursing PracticePurpose of Assignment:According to Larson, Brady, Engelmann, Perkins, and Shultz (2013), the development of professional identity is a continuous process that begins with admission to the nursing program and evolves throughout ones professional career in a dynamic and fluid process where interacting relationship of education […]

voting policy nad issue

. Please review the proposed voting machine described HERE and in this accompanying video. Based on this description and what you learned in readings, write a short analysis of the system. Describe at least 5 problems with usability, accessibility, integrity, ballot secrecy, or other important properties. Please cite specific aspects of the machine that contribute […]

white saviourism

I need a 5 paragraph Precis Essay pertaining to a topic surrounding systematic racism mainly white privilege and the oppression of people of color.  I have provided additional PDF’s of what the Essay should look like along with provided links of reliable sources to get quotes from.


En nuestras discusiones en clase, hemos explorado las ideas decoloniales de los estudios de gnero con Mara Lugones enfocndonos en Coatlicue como figura de anlisis. Vimos el monolito, muchas representaciones de la arte plstica, y dos categoras de textos: 1) Las de feministas chicanas (Mora, Moraga, Anzalda) y 2) La de Poniatowska (de CDMX) en […]

setting essay

The setting essay will be a traditional five-paragraph essay with the following structure:     an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement    three body paragraphs that discuss various aspects of the setting of the selected short story    a concluding paragraph For this setting essay, you are to select one of the stories we […]

Synopsis of Alumni in classroom

First you need to watch a video that I will send to you… Instruction:   I would like you to write a synopsis of the answers to the questions that the alumni provide and combine them into one, properly structured paper, single spaced. The paper should be no less than 500 words and no more […]

The Research Essay

InstructionsFrom p. 129 of our textbook: Write an argument research essay (of at least 1500 words) about the working thesis that you have been working on throughout the previous writing assignments. Your thesis should be supported with at least three claims. The essay should also address the opposite viewpoint. Make use of at least three […]

Brief on the CIA

15-20 Minute Brief/Power Point on the CIA:* Structure/Organization* Brief History* Functional Capabilities/Responsibilities* Interface with DOD at the Combatant Command level* Foreign considerations Some Sources:

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