Rules of Financial Reporting

The Milestone 3 Assignment really focuses on the notes to the financial statements and the reasons for specific areas of the notes (i.e., U.S. GAAP).  The basic reason for presenting such information is to meet the objectives of financial reporting (e.g., relevance, reliability, etc.).  For this Milestone, you will focus on these five (5) areas […]

Introductory Speech Outline

Select either Topic A or Topic B for your introductory speech.Topic A: Elevator Pitch. Deliver an elevator pitch that describes your professional background and experience for a potential employer during a job interview.Topic B: Dream Career. Discuss your dream career.Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.Download the Sample Outline [DOCX], which provides guidance […]

Week 4 Discussion 1 HSA 525

Complete the following for this week’s discussion: Perform a cost volume profit (CVP) analysis on a couple of alternatives that management is considering for implementation (details to be worked out).Download and review the case study and the Week 4 Discussion Spreadsheet [XLSX].These two files contain the data necessary to complete the CVPs (dollar breakeven and […]

Week 3 Assignment – Conflicting Viewpoints Essay: Part 1

The assignment is divided into two parts: the prewriting paper (Part 1) due this week, and the essay (Part 2) due in Week 5. OverviewWhen looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment asks you to engage in this aspect […]

Week 5 Discussion 1 HSA 525

There are two extremes when it comes to the power of providers to set prices. At one end is the provider who has no power and must accept the reimbursement rate set by others. At the other is the provider who sets the price, which third-party payers must accept. Neither sounds like a win-win scenario. […]

Ferguson, MissouriA Violation of National and International Laws

Read the three articles about Ferguson, Missouri, and discuss the following questions. Ferguson police were accused of violating national and international laws with human rights abuses in Amnesty International: Ferguson Police Crackdown Violated US and International Law and in Rights Violations Documented in Ferguson, MO. Do you think the media aggravates the situation, causing it […]

Different Roles of the Nurse Practitioner

Write a brief introduction about professional interests (Nurse Practitioner) and explain why these are topics interest. Include how the ANA guidelines, competencies, and code of ethics address these issues and topics. Also include a brief explanation about the differences in roles related to Certified Professional Mid-Wife (CPM), Certified Nurse Mid-wife (CNM), Certified Mid-Wives (non-nurse who […]

focus group reflection

1. Use this opportunity to reflect back on the focus group method itself and how it functioned. What worked well, what could be improved? 2. What would you do differently? What were the key lessons learned for you? What skills would you want to develop/prepare for if you were to implement and moderate a future […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a pseudocode solution for each of these problems.1.    Design a While loop that lets that user enter a number. The number should be multiplied by 10, and the result stored in a variable named product.  The loop should iterate as long as product contains a value less than 100. 2.    Design a Do-While loop […]

Proposed changes to trade

Write one page (12 point times new roman, double spaced, one inch margins, citing sources within the text) on how trade should be changed in your country.  Should they choose different exports/imports?  Should the government be more involved? less involved?  Refer to import substitution and/or export promotion in your paper. My assigned country is Guinea […]

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