America in the 1960’s

What were the key tenets of liberalism under JFK and Lyndon Johnson, and what were the New Rights major critiques of liberalism? Please discuss these topics, talk about JFK and Lyndon Johnson and their views of liberalism as presidents. What is liberalism? Talk about the New Rights Major critiques of liberalism. Discuss all points. Please […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

ssignment instructions: Read Diyanni, Chapter 6, pp. 133-146 and do the assignment below.Plato is a Greek philosopher born in 428-427 B.C. near the city-state of Athens, at a time when ancient Athenian democracy was already well developed. He belonged to a wealthy and aristocratic family involved in Athenian politics. He was also the founder of […]

Effects of the Pandemic on a Specific Industry

This is a formal paper. You will begraded on content, along with spelling and grammatical quality. Use MLA format to write your paper(parenthetical citations are permitted). Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins around,and no longer than 750 words. Do not include a title page. I will only read the first 750 words. […]

Principles of Finance 320

Part II OverviewFor this part of the final project, you will be given a scenario in which you are asked to illustrate your financial computation and analysis skills. This part of the assessment addresses the following course outcomes: Compute financial ratios, time value, variables, and returns using industry standard tools for optimizing financial success Analyze […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need you to read the reading attached and write 3 paragraphsfirst paragraph is – The thesis statement and what method did the author usesecond paragraph is – my own analysis in my own words, what did you understand and how would you explain it to other peoplethird paragraph is – how what you read […]

type and cooper

All lectures are free to attend and will be presented as Zoom webinars and live-streamed on The Cooper Union YouTube channel. This is 5% of the final grade. – Choose a lecture – register for it – attend – write a summary for this talk (same format as adobe max) This is DUE Your submission […]

write 2 pages summary of each of the article i downloaded

, please write a 2 page article:a.    Abstractb.    Introduction (objective of the study)c.    Sample year of study, sample sized.    Findingse.    Conclusion

Social understanding of mental distress

This is an individual presentation that is required to have a voice over (I will do the voice over I only need the presentation made) As a guide, the presentation should last 12-15 minutes and include approximately 10 slides. The presentation must include elements of which is attached as a document to this order. Harvard […]

Life of Frederick Douglass

. Write a 3-4 page (double space) Research and Reflection Paper on the Life of Frederick Douglass. This book is available in an online format. Please see the syllabus. 2. Research Part: In the first two pages, summarize the life of Frederick Douglass, highlighting significant events from his birth into chattel enslavement (black slavery) to […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The PEEL Strategy is a useful formula for writing about the source material you integrate into a professional document. It is often the last step you take after integrating (quoting/paraphrasing) and citing a source. The PEEL Strategy ensures that you thoroughly writing AROUND your source material, so that it is reader-friendly and well-integrated into a […]

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