Shape of Demand Curves, Barriers to Entry and Competition

Topic: Shape of Demand Curves, Barriers to Entry and Competition The shape of demand curves firms face may change from one form of market structure to another. In addition, there are several factors that influence the nature of firms, including the level of competition they may be involved in or may not be involved in […]

Not Sure of the topic name but the prompt details is given in the instructions column

In what ways is the storys narrator and protagonist, Chika Okafor, alienated? How do these forms of alienation contribute to the meaning of the story as a whole? Please give the essay a title. Bear in mind, as always, that the author and the narrator are two distinct entities. – 3 body paragraphs fully structured […]

Perfect Competition Profit Maximization and Monopoly Merger Guidelines

In this Assignment, you will calculate total cost, total revenue, and total profit/loss. Based on the computed results, you will determine the optimal quantity of output that maximizes profit under a perfectly competitive market. Moreover, you will evaluate the antitrust laws and merger guidelines based on market shares of firms to prevent a monopoly and […]

Citizenship,Art, and Politics.

Compare the understanding of these five authors:1.You must Choose an issue you believe relates to citizenship, art, and politics.2.Do some research on this topic.3. This research needs to include: background on the issue and an artifact that relates to the issue

Democracies and Protecting Minority Rights

This is a formative assignment, meaning it is expected to demonstrate understandingand reflection of course material, including assigned reading, up to and includingTopic 9 (week of November 23). The assignment should demonstrate thoughtful,original reflection on key texts assigned for the course. Arguments made should bebacked up with analytical reasoning and consideration of appropriate evidence (frompeer-reviewed […]


Final Paper due Wednesday 12/9Career: An Issue and Its Solution Final paper due:  Wednesday, 12/9. Apply what you have learned about academic writing and revision to your paper. Papers must meet the minimum requirements below to be considered for a grade: 5-7 pages in lengthDouble-spaced in Times New Roman, size 12 fontMLA format (heading, margins, […]

Reading Discussion: Noll on World Christianity

First, based on your reading of the chapters from Noll assigned this week, post your carefully considered response to the following prompt: What are 3 ways in which Christianity worldwide (especially evangelicalism) has changed (taken on a new shape) since the 19th century (the 1800s)? List your 3 changes, describe them (at least 1 sentence […]

How did the understanding of the Declaration of independence evolve between 1776 and the American Civil War?

3. The third assignment (due December 1) will be an essay of between 2,000 and 2,500 wordsthat addresses the following question: How did understandings of the Declaration ofIndependence evolve between 1776 and the American Civil War? Your essay should be based on(The Declaration of Independence), (The Declaration ofSentiments) and (Slavery and the Sectional Crisis). For […]

Social Media Project for Kaiser Permanente

Do research about Kaiser Permanente App and write a report. The report should include:1. Audience (Required)2. Tools for Interaction (Required)3. The global presence and cultural accommodation4. Marketing/Sales5. Customer Service and Support6. Public Relations7. Careers/Recruitment8. Product Communities9. Community and Outreach Services10. Collect of Data Review of a minimum of 25 online interactions:****Overall impressions; recommendations for improvement****For […]

a revolutionary transition from capitalism to socialism

In Political Economy for Socialism, and in the chapter called, “Marx’s Socialism”, Professor Itoh describes what we could call a transformation of everyday life, one that represents a revolutionary transition from capitalism to socialism. Firstly, how are we to think of the all-important category of “labour power” in this transformation and transition? Second, how are […]

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