
It is often stated that the United States does not have two systems of courts (i.e. State and Federal), rather, we have 51, because each State has its own system and then there is the Federal system.  Discuss two pros and two cons of our current court system and then detail how having 51 “systems” […]

Video Discussion: Jesus in China

First, watch the first 26 minutes of Jesus in China (Links to an external site.) (this is a PBS Frontline video; the rest of the video covers other topics). Alternate video location: (Links to an external site.) Second, post your carefully considered response to the following prompt in a paragraph of at least 6 […]

COVID – 19

Right now, we are living through an historic event, a global pandemic. This phenomenon hascompletely upended our everyday lives. It has changed the way we communicate with others, theway we go to school and work, and the way we think about the world in a social, political, andeconomic way. We are faced with challenges many […]

TikTok Global

Read the case and write an analysis follow the below instruction(1) Identify and analyse key issues:Identifies clear and appropriate issues in the case; presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified; supports analysis with relevant data, reasons and arguments.(2) Develop alternatives:Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of case data in developing alternatives; develops alternatives following from […]

Read Instructions

PLEASE FOLLOW ALL OF MY INSTRUCTIONS Please answer two(2)  of the following questions. Reply to at least one fellow students post. Think about the following as you answer your questions: “Childhood” may be analyzed as a  “narrative” or”plot” in the cultural text that our society tell us and that we tell ourselves about what its […]

Sales and Marketing Evaluation

you will evaluate a sales pitch and marketing video.Evaluate a sales pitch made on the television show, Shark Tank. You may choose any one of the sales pitches shown at, or any other Shark Tank sales pitch video that you find online via YouTube, etc. Please be sure to list the episode title and/or […]

art history

Q1. What earlier artists or artwork may have influenced David in his representation of Marat in his painting Death of Marat(include the image)? Does David rely on the viewer’s ability to associate this painting with other iconic works of art to convey his message? (100words) Q2. Why did the “Founding Fathers” of the United States […]

Airbnb: Home Sharing in China

(1) Identify and analyse key issues:Identifies clear and appropriate issues in the case; presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified; supports analysis with relevant data, reasons and arguments.(2) Develop alternatives:Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of case data in developing alternatives; develops alternatives following from analysis. (3) Evaluate each option and make your recommendation:Establishes reasonable […]

COVID-19 Situation Report

In this case study, you will examine the essential elements of an incidents impacts that must be understood by emergency management leaders, to both scale the response and transition into recovery.  A Situation Report is an essential tool for providing condensed/consolidated overviews of an incident, including impacts to the community, and status of current operations.  […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Adult Learning Models and the Movies Its a Wonderful Life (1946) is a classic family movie that many people watch around the winter holidays year after year. The main character is George Bailey, a man with dreams of leaving his small town and traveling the world. The high value he places on traveling the world, […]

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