Any topic (writer’s choice)

In a two page paper using APA format 1.  What is the history of voting in America, how has it changed over time and for whom?  2.  Historically speaking, are there segments of the population who have benefited more from having access to the ballot? If so, discuss the benefits for those who had access […]

3 Theories of Compensation

This week we have been discussing the 3 Theories of Compensation: 1. Reinforcement and Expectancy 2. Agency, and 3. Equity Do the 3 theories of compensation remain consistent even with the Coronavirus affecting the workplace and our lives? For example, according to the Equity Theory, there should be equity in the pay structure of an […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Essay #4: Rogerian RhetoricDue Nov 24 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload File Types doc, docx, and pdf Available until Dec 4 at 11:59pmYou will write a Rogerian Argument in which you mediate opposing arguments from multiple sources. For this assignment, you must select at least two sources that express competing opinions on […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please answer the following questions 1.)1The nurse charted: “Patient has an open wound located on the lateral aspect of leg.” Describe where the wound is located. 2. ) List three key anatomical differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. 3.)Since mature adipocytes rarely divide, how can adults gain weight? 4.) People who live in northern […]

The Handoff Process

Reflect on the handoff process.In a 2- to 3-page essay, answer the following questions: What impact does poor handoff have on an organization?What impact does poor handoff have on a patient?Compare and contrast two (2) hand-off processes that organizations use to assist with poor transition of care within facilities.How will you, as a manager, ensure […]

Explain Thoreau’s definition of civil disobedience.

Explain in detail Thoreau’s: Motivations for writing this essay, His theory of the Majority of one, and How he was punished for practicing civil disobedience. Give examples of at least 2 others who have followed Thoreau’s ideas concerning civil disobedience. What does Thoreau call for people to do? Is there any principle for which you […]

Modern Medicine

Modern Medicine The development of modern medicine relies partially on economic growth. Throughout history, medicine has played a vital role in population growth, life span, and health care. After reviewing the history of modern medicine from the various eras (Stone Age, Agricultural Age, Industrial Age, and Information Age), discuss the future life expectancy for the […]

Case Scenario Response Part Two

Thread: Using the Case Scenario from the Week 2 discussion forum, lets assume the client has entered a 30-day inpatient treatment facility for rehab. Respond to the following prompt and questions. The client is in the detox group in treatment, the initial group a client will enter once deemed medically stable. While receiving MATs, the […]


Macroeconomics Macroeconomics deals with the broader context of the economy. Rather than focusing on the internal financial condition of a health care organization, macroeconomics is concerned with the larger picture, or the whole. Discuss the following: Evaluate the gross domestic product (GDP) of a country other than the United States? Discuss how the United States […]

Professional Accountability

REQUIREMENTS  Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that […]

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