Control the Zplan

Use the APA-formatted template (MGT280 Case2) to create your submission.*****(mgt280 case2  is found in the attachment)***** please follow directions no time for mistakesYour submission will include: University Internationals cover pageA 3-page paper with APA citations (2- or 3-sentence introduction, 3-page body, 2- or 3-sentence conclusion)The reference list page in APA format Gotta Have a Goal […]

Chaos at Uber: The New CEO’s Challenge

Read the attachment on Case #31 Chaos at Uber: The New CEOs Challenge in pg#762, and provide your response to the following questions. 1. How would you describe the crisis at Uber? What grade would you assign to Ubers board of directors based on actions it has taken in the past or is now taken […]

read the instruction

Due to the perceived need to bolster STEM learning in schools, one of the lost elements for many students has been a satisfactory art education.  Art has been shunted aside to make time for additional study of math, science and advanced language skills.  However, experts and policy makers have begun to recognize that a lack […]

Menu based program

Write a menu based program implementing the following functions: (0) Write a function called displayMenu that does not take any parameters, but returns an integer representing your user’s menu choice. Your program’s main function should only comprise of the following: a do/while loop with the displayMenu function call inside the loop bodyswitch/case, or if/else if/ […]

Current Event- Totalitarian Restrictions or Ethnic Conflict

Write a paper on a current event article that discusses restrictions on freedoms by a totalitarian state or an article on ethnic conflict within a nation. Summarize the article and explain why this issue is important to the global community. What outside influences might help change this issue? How? Is the article neutral? Why or […]


Writing Assignment 2 consists of answering Critical Thinking Questions from Chapter 6 numbers 4, 6, and 11. Each writing assignment is worth 7.5% of you overall grade in ADJ 107 (Survey of Criminology). Please answer each of the assigned questions in 3-6 paragraphs (4-6 sentences per paragraph) using proper A.P.A. writing techniques. Each writing assignment […]

Lost World

The 3-sentence pitch answers; use the 7 Dramatistic Mode of Analysis (DMA) responses and pinpoints the dramatic action components (using Fields paradigm). The Seven DMA Questions:Who is speaking (this refers to the character or persona whose we see in the film this is not necessarily the actor or writer)?What is the speaker speaking about (discern […]

mid term

Each response should be at least three paragraphs in length and must demonstrate your mastery of the key terms and concepts discussed in the text. Please use complete paragraphs (three sentences and no bullet points). Also, please use direct quotes from the textbook sparingly and cite everything in APA format. 1. Explain the various reasons […]

3 leadership concepts

For the Case Assignment, conduct some research using the online library and then write a 2- to 3-page paper in APA format, comparing and contrasting the three classical leadership styles and the pros and cons of each style. To help you get started with your research, locate and review the following articles online in the […]

time series

In many applications, a time series decomposition (i.e., time series filtering) is used to separate or decompose a time series  xt  into its trend, seasonal, and irregular components. In some of these applications, the decomposition relationship is assumed to be additive:    Xt =TREND t +SEASONAL t +Irregular t While in other applications the decomposition […]

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