Any topic (writer’s choice)

It’s Tuesday morning. Nothing special. Rain and cold as usual. I’ve been thinking about my friend’s tragedy for the whole morning. It was dreadful. My thoughts suddenly shuttered like a glass pane in gunfire as I saw a car stop in my street. I recognized the car and the driver

Research Report on Media Platformisation

In this report you will evaluate and make recommendations related to particular aspects of digital platforms foregrounded by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Digital Platforms Inquiry. You will be expected to pay close attention to the Final Report including its analysis and recommendations. Your report will be for a particular body with a […]

Job Packet

Assignment OverviewFor this course project, you will write and design a rsum and a letter of application. You will produce these documents as application materials for an actual workplace job or an internship for which you are now qualified, or one for which you will be qualified in the near future (ie: immediately after you […]

class work The link above is to be used for the assigment. Then find another link related to the blog topic and write a full paragraph about it. As The assignment instructions Is in the files

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Define APV. How does it differ from NPV? Identify and discuss at least two other business valuation models that are popular. Use the template provided. Follow APA format, including a title page, introduction, conclusion, citations, and 6 references (two should be peer-reviewed references).

Project: Evaluating Different IT Solutions

Project: Evaluating Different IT Solutions When you are planning to purchase a new IT tool, you generally have several alternative solutions from different vendors to choose from. An evaluation matrix can help you compare the candidate solutions objectively.To prepare for this Project, download the Vendor Evaluation Matrix Template located in the Learning Resources for this […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Consider the following statement: “The size of a company is not important. What does matter, whether it is a large corporation or a small business, is the capital structure – it always has and always will.” Do you agree or disagree? In your response, support your position.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Modern financial theory includes the sixth principle of finance, which is reputation matters. The unethical behavior of corporate leaders in decision-making has been well documented and publicized in previous years. On the positive side, there are ethical leaders. Describe the actions of an ethical corporate leader. Provide an example of someone who exhibits these qualities.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

After reading the chapters and completing both M5D1 and M5A1, demonstrate your knowledge by answering the questions below. Each question should be answered in full sentences and should be approximately 100 words. You may use your text, Mastering Biology or other outside sources as references, but you must provide references using proper APA (Links to […]

International Relations

Take stock of the assigned readings, by discussing and critiquing various arguments/sides about a phenomenon/issue area. Essay should be about 3-5 double-spaced pages with paragraph structure, in-text citations, and a bibliography. Points may be deducted for excessive issues with grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Review essays should be seen as a useful tool for preparing for […]

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