Colossal Genius

  In your responses to Alejandra and Syndey post, address the following after reviewing their completed speech outline template and initial post: Provide clear, helpful feedback in response to your peer’s requested topics for feedback, using best practices as discussed in course resources. Describe at least one element of your peer’s outline that is done […]

Sofware -7 Assg

                                              Explain why the process of project planning is iterative and why a plan must be continually reviewed during a software project.

psychology of COVID-19

 You may focus on any aspect that feels meaningful and interesting to you.    the various mental health implications the economic implications suicide  addiction families living in tight quarters and complicated family dynamics the college experience and what this means now and later ageism and the treatment of the elderly expecting a baby at this […]

Nursing/Laboratory/Case Study/AIDS

  Students must review the case study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA and include 2 scholarly references. Answer both case studies on the same document and upload 1 document to Moodle. Case Study 1 & 2 topics change every semester.  Topic TBD The answers must be in your own words […]

Discussion 2

Review the module chapter. When you considered the following question, do you support the pluralist or elitist perspective of the health policy market? Why? Revisit your response and explain your answer in more detail. As support, refer to the pluralist theory or the power elite theory as it relates to health policymaking. Also, do a […]

Amanda Wise

Please refer to the paper that I upload.The question is  – what are the imaginative resources for the long-distance nationalism of the East Timorese diasporic community in Australia? (according to Amanda Wise) “Please draw the concept map [mind map] Instead of writing an essay”***Draw a map to explain these resources in detail.***

theoretical perspectives

Select ONE of the major social institutions covered (Family, Education, Religion, Politics/Law, Economy, or Health). Discuss any TWO theoretical perspectives (Symbolic Interactionism, Rational Choice, Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, or Feminism) and what they would examine in regards to that institution. Provide a detailed paragraph or two with your answer.


The question I would like you all to discuss this week is the difference between ethical decisions, moral decisions and legal decisions made by a public administrator. Then create your own scenario. It should be set in a public agency or body in keeping with our public administration focus. Please fill in enough information so […]

Critical reading summary

This module contains two brief essays regarding the role of an artist photographer, “The Thing Itself,” by Bill Jay, and “The Unforeseen Wilderness,” by Wendell Berry. Read both essays carefully and, in at least one paragraph per response, respond to the following prompts based on those readings: (See the rubric below for specific grading criteria.) […]

Persuasive Speech

For this assignment, you need to start by thinking about a potential persuasive speech topic. Please see the persuasive speech topic list on Canvas for ideas. Next, think about your argument(s) for your position.  Most arguments will have counterarguments, so for the next part of this assignment, brainstorm any possible counterarguments. For example, if your […]

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