See details

B.  Turn  in  a  Preliminary  Analysis  of  your  topic  (approximately    -1  page)  by  the  deadline  in  the  schedule.    Use  the format  parameters  as  described  above.    At  the  beginning  of  the  text,  put  the  topic  title  and  number  preceded  by  My (either Preliminary or Final as appropriate) Analysis of the Ethical Issues in […]

Economy systems: capitalism, socialism, and democratic

1.) Based on the Open Stax Chapters, the readings and videos, compare and contrast capitalism, socialism and democratic socialism in the US. In your response be sure to identify at least 3 major characteristics of capitalism and socialism, and 2 problems with each of these systems. In this regard, what is different about democratic socialism […]

service marketing plan

Please refer to “Assessment guidance. doc “and all of relevant “lecture ppt.” carefully to write this assessment.  I have attached all the “lecture ppt” mentioned in the guidance that need to be used to write different sections, and marked the week of each ppt. If you have any problems just let me know, thanks!

Law Codes of Hammurabi and the Biblical Covenant

Instructions:Compare the early law codes of Hammurabi and the Biblical Covenant. They can be found in Sayre pp. 49-51 and 58-59 and I have attached them as word documents. The paper must be between 550-650 original words in length and in MLA format. Sources: Use academic sources only. Use JSTOR to find scholarly articles. Primary […]

Globalization Essay Assignment

Objective:    The objective of this assignment is to access your understanding of the how globalization may affect organizations and to encourage critical thought into how this will impact your career.    While not everyone agrees with Freidman, Freidman argues that several forces, driven by information technology, are creating a flatter (equal opportunity) business environment. […]

Biodiversity in the United Arab Emirates

1.    Cover Page2.    Title: The environmental problem or article title, also you can formulate the title in your own wording. 3.    Problem statement/ Objective Describe briefly the background information concerning the environmental problem and identify the project`s objective (s). 4.    Literature Review and Introduction 5.    MethodologyThe methodology section should describe the methodology that followed by […]

Bechdel Test Film Critique

INSTRUCTIONS FIRST, Choose a film or television episode to critique. Dont overthink it, choose something you like, watch already, or want to watch. (Lady Bird)THEN, learn what the Bechdel Test is here (Links to an external site.). FINALLY, apply the Bechdel Test to critique your episode or movie.PURPOSE: A critique is a genre of academic […]

health economics

Then by Monday 8PM, respond to at least one students’ post (Lauren) in above 150 words. I have copied her discussion post and you should reply for this post: In this article, authors discuss the concept of nudges and the opportunities they present in improving the provision of healthcare. They describe nudges as a way […]

health economics

All discussion board posts have to be based on evidence from peer-reviewed articles, reports, data from agencies (such as CDC, NIH, AHRQ, NCQA, CMS and others), or the textbook. You must demonstrate that you have read and understood concepts even when providing a position, point of view or opinion based on critically reviewing evidence. <> […]

Discussion 7

Discuss how to close the health care disparities gap in the LGBTQ community? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.You should respond to at least two of your peers […]

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